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Our Online 11+ Course Is Now Available for Fellow 11 Plus Tutors!

New and experienced tutors can save time planning lessons and deliver an improved service with our 11+ online course!

I have personally found the 11 Plus Success platform very user friendly, particularly in monitoring students' progress. It's been easy to track and assess each student's development. My students also find the platform useful for consolidating information after our lessons, and it offers them an alternative, engaging way to learn, away from standard lessons.

Abdunnur, Tutor

We get it... Tutoring for the 11 plus course is difficult. Coming up with innovative and effective ways to explain topics with your students is challenging and time-consuming. So, what if you had access to a complete 11 Plus resource that covers every aspect of the test?

As well as helping students and parents, we also work with tutors, providing a comprehensive learning platform that helps offer an improved service to your students and saves precious time.

Leave the dusty books at home and join a revolution in interactive tutoring!

Why Join Forces with 11 Plus Success?

Even if you are a seasoned 11 Plus tutor with a thriving business, you could still benefit from teaming up with us and using our online resources. Our course has been designed by a group of experienced tutors just like you, who truly understand the challenges of tutoring first-hand.

With our course, you can:

  • Save time preparing for class
  • Improve your own service (and potentially benefit from increased income which typically comes with this)
  • Get help explaining common questions from students
  • Make your lessons more interactive and engaging
  • Save time analysing performance after class and developing feedback

More About the 11+ Online Course

The course is an online resource accessible from anywhere. Whether you are tutoring from home, in a café or library, it is always there for you whenever needed.

It includes interactive lessons and over 8000 questions on the four aspects of the 11 plus exam (English, Maths VR and NVR). With our videos and explanations, your work becomes so much easier and you can even track progress from the course.

It has already been used to help children ace the test and get into their chosen grammar schools. You are in a results industry and with our platform – you get results and repeat clients!

11 plus maths

What Can You Expect?

  • An online resource that has been made to match 11+ study needs
  • A resource that covers all four core components of the exam
  • Available at any time with an internet connection
  • Improved client satisfaction and better student performance

Follow the 'Course Modules' link for the full course content.

The following subjects are included in the course:

11 Plus Preparation Course


  • Improved vocabulary
  • Increased syntax awareness and understanding.
  • Go beyond what is learned in school English lessons.


  • Excel beyond the Mathematic National Curriculum.
  • Improved understanding of algebra, ratios, percentages and fractions.
  • Long division and multiplication become easier and faster.
11 Plus Preparation Course
11 Plus Preparation Course

Verbal Reasoning

  • Your child becomes a savvy English problem solver.
  • Analyse sentence structures effortlessly.
  • Increased confidence at dealing with unique English questions.

Non-Verbal Reasoning

  • Make sense of unusual shapes and patterns fast.
  • Develop critical awareness skills.
  • Tackle unusual questions never seen in other tests.
11 plus tutor

Sample Lessons

'Data handling and Representation' lesson

'Volumes and Nets' lesson

Take a look at our members site and see how our fully automated 11Plus Success Online course has been specifically designed to fit around your child's study schedule.

Benefits of Becoming an 11 Plus Success Partner

11 Plus Preparation Course
  • Your lessons become more interactive and engaging
  • Children will enjoy your lessons more (and their parents will notice)
  • You can save hours each week on planning and marking work
  • It works as your own teaching assistant to help with explanations and interactive examples
  • You can use the resource as little or as much as you want in each lesson
  • It makes your services stand out from other 11 plus tutors
  • Gain more clients with our support

"The results just came in and I have got a place at Rugby High Grammar School. I have been invited for a Foundation Award Interview. Thank you so much for helping me."

Miss Mara P (Student)

Avoid Making These Tutoring Mistakes with Our Help

happy kid on bridge
  • Keep children engaged every lesson for repeat bookings
  • Do not rely on old books and boring teaching methods
  • Use exclusive resources and updated 11+ examples
  • Do not offer resources parents can find for free themselves
  • Sue our course that balances content with different learning styles
  • Do not neglect some of the learning styles your students might need
  • Save time when preparing for 11+ classes
  • Do not spend your evenings preparing lessons
  • Only provide 11+ lessons that help with the unique 11+ exam
  • Do not provide generic Maths and English classes

"The results are in…our daughter scored 231 in her Warwickshire Entrance Exams which is much higher than previous average qualifying scores of 215 and 222. Thank you for your support.”

Mrs Rosie P (Proud Parent)

Join the 11 Plus Movement, Today!

We are receiving many enquiries from 11 plus tutors wanting to join. Make use of our course today and start offering better 11 plus tutoring services than your competitors. Tutoring is never easy work, but you can make it easier with us!

Options Available

We have a few options for you and your students:

  • Recommend us: The most popular option is to recommend us to your students and their parents and impress them with a huge discount code that we will provide you with. Once you have recommended us, please email us at: support@11plussuccess.co.uk to let us know how many students will be registering and we can set you up as a group leader, to track your student's progress. 
  • Become an Affiliate: If you would like to become an affiliate and earn money for recommending us to your students then please email us at: support@11plussuccess.co.uk to let us you you would like to become a tutor affiliate. You will be issued with an affiliate code and would earn 40% for every student who signs up.
  • Student Group Discount: If you have more than 5 students to enrol then please get in touch with us on email: support@11plussuccess.co.uk as we have a special offer for a large group of students. You will be given group leader access to track all of your students progress and we have a couple of options where you can pay monthly or for 6 months access to the course.

11 plus tutors near me

Tutor Account Recommendations

Tell your students and their parents about our online course and impress them with a huge discount code that we’ll provide you with. Once you have recommended us, please email us at: support@11plussuccess.co.uk

to let us know how many students will be registering and we can set you up as a group leader to track your student's progress.

£ 19.99 / student / month

  • Student monthly fee of £19.99
  • Ideal for less than 5 students
  • Study 24/7 all days
  • English, Maths, Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning
  • Over 100 lessons
  • Over 7000 Exam Questions
  • Certificate of Achievement

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Secure Payment

Testimonials - Don't just take our word for it!!

11 plus success

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. 

If you're not satisfied with the course then we're not satisfied so just let us know and we'll send you a prompt refund.

Meet Anu, the Brains Behind 11 Plus Success

Hey fellow tutors!

I’m Anu, the owner of 11 Plus Success and someone who has walked in your shoes. I have vast experience as a tutor and understand the difficulties of tutoring in general, especially for the 11+ exam. I wanted to help more children than I could on my own, so I put my knowledge into an online course aimed at parents and their kids.

Now I want to roll out my resource to other tutors to use with their own clients/students. My course has been created specifically for the 11+ exam and will make your job so much easier. From class preparations to answering those difficult questions, my course is here to help you.

Let’s team up soon and start making your tutoring both easier and more effective! 

Anu Verma

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Your Course Made for the GL or CEM Tests?

When Is the Best Time to Start Your 11+ Course?

Can I Monitor My Child’s Progress?

How Much Does A Subscription Cost?

How Do I Cancel My Course?

How Many Study Hours Are Needed Each Week?

Is the 11+ Course Only for Grammar School Entrance Exams?

Does the Course Maintain Motivation?

Do I Need Two Subscriptions for Two Children?

11 Plus Success
25 Brinklow Rd


0333 210 0032
