Devon Grammar Schools

Churston Ferrers Grammar School

Entrance Exam Dates:
September Test

Ofsted Report: Outstanding

Test Type: CEM



Trips are a real priority, helping students to be broad-minded and independent, and to push their boundaries. We have a seven year programme of trips so that every student joining Churston can see the options ahead of them and work towards the trips they most want to take. So promoting the programme years in advance means students and parents can look ahead and save up. This encourages students to plan ahead and to be ambitious and aspirational in their goals.

The trips are designed to become more challenging and develop more independence in students as they go up the school:

Year 7 residential
Year 8 music tour, skiing
Years 9-11 sports & music tours, skiing, watersports, language exchanges, France/Belgium Battlefields.
Sixth Form European and worldwide cultural trips, Peru
The school is currently developing cultural trips to Germany and Spain (Year 10)

Sports Facilities

The school sports facilities include a gymnasium, sports hall, three football pitches, tennis courts and swimming pool.

Student Services

Our Student Services team is one of the largest departments in the school – that’s because we know that some students need plenty of support to work well and happily. The team can deal with anything from a grazed knee or a lost tie, to long term support for ongoing problems at home or at school.

We have a dyslexia and handwriting specialist, and staff trained in working with many conditions including Asperger’s Syndrome, ADHD, and dyspraxia. We also have a qualified counsellor, and a team of trained 6th form listeners, for students who need to talk.

GCSE Results

Colyton Grammar School

Entrance Exam Dates: September

Ofsted Report: Converted to an Academy. Rated as outstanding prior.

Test Type: CEM


League Table

Latest figures from the Department for Education (DfE) show that Colyton Grammar School is the best performing co-educational secondary school in England, and the highest scoring school in the South West - Devon, Cornwall, Somerset and Dorset.

We achieved a Progress 8 score of 1.01 placing the school in the top 1% of secondary schools in the country.

Colyton Grammar School is constantly in the top ten schools with students progressing to Oxbridge and the most selective universities.


The School has a reputation for academic success and the overwhelming majority of our students progress to the most highly selective universities and places of learning in the UK including Oxford, Cambridge and the Royal College of Music.


The school has an outstanding record of success in sport and there are ample opportunities for all students to participate in both school and House competitions.  In recent years students have achieved international recognition in hockey, cricket, sailing and gymnastics.


There is an extensive co and extra curricular provision in music including choirs, bands, orchestra, chamber choirs and an annual programme with regular opportunities for musicians to perform. The senior choir has an outstanding reputation and in recent years has sung in the cathedrals of

Exeter, Bristol, Wells, Liverpool and Chester. The Choir has toured Europe, singing in Belgium and Malta, as well as in the cathedrals of Chartres and Notre-Dame in France.

Key Stage 3

All students in Year 8, apart from the dual linguists, will complete extension work in subjects such as:

  • Art and culture
  • Latin
  • Mental well-being
  • Physical well-being
  • Film studies
  • Science in society


Students enjoy extensive playing fields, a flood-lit all-weather pitch, purpose built netball courts and a sports hall. These excellent facilities allow students to make the most of activities from across the whole sports spectrum.

The school has a dedicated language block, video conferencing area and purpose built Music Centre.

The laboratories at the school, have been recently refurbished to a very high standard.

Digital learning provision is excellent. The school enjoys a site wide wireless system, and teaching and learning is supported by the use of one-to-one devices.

GCSE Results

Devonport High School for Boys

Entrance Exam Dates:

Ofsted Report: Outstanding

Test Type: GL

Due to the current school closure it is unlikely that we will be able to run the 11+ Familiarisation Session on Saturday 6 June 2020 as planned.

However, we hope to provide an opportunity, before the actual 11+ tests, for boys to attend a session when they will sit an English comprehension and composition paper and a Maths paper, both set by the school. We don’t yet know when this will be.

The familiarisation session gives an opportunity to reassure and reduce anxieties for the boys intending to sit the 11+ tests and if we can we will provide this before the tests in September as this is in the best interests of the boys.

If we are unable to provide a session before the 11+ tests then we will send new familiarisation materials (Maths and English) to those who have expressed an interest, to use at home.

Please complete the Google Form (on this webpage) to express your interest in this session (date and time of the session is to be confirmed).

We will send you an update when we have more information to share.



We are proud of our elite sporting reputation. The outstanding experience within our team across a range of sports, helps us to continually nurture talent.

Devonport High School for Boys has achieved great success in recent years winning titles in almost every age group in football, rugby, athletics, cricket, fencing, rowing, cross country, basketball, badminton and swimming.

Academic Achievement

Students typically leave DHSB with four, five or six A levels and at least 11 GCSEs. Many students enjoy further success, for example in Oxbridge and medical entrance examinations or through a wealth of subject competitions where we compete from regional to international level.


Modern Foreign Language (either French, German, Mandarin Chinese or Spanish).

At GCSE level students also have the opportunity to study Latin.

GCSE Results

Devonport High School for Girls

Entrance Exam Dates: September 

If you have any further queries please feel free to contact Plymouth Local Authority Admissions Team on 01752 307469.

Ofsted Report: Good

Test Type: GL Assessment


Specialist Languages College Status

Devonport High School for Girls was first awarded Specialist Languages College status in September 2005. The school has achieved recognition both locally and nationally with the following examples of successful innovation.

• Mandarin Chinese introduced into the curriculum in 2005.

Devonport High School for Girls initiated a successful consortium bid to create the Peninsula Group Confucius Classroom (PGCC), promoting the teaching of Chinese language and culture throughout the South West.

International links with Chile, China, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, Japan, Mexico, Nepal, Poland, Romania, Spain, South Africa, Republic of Ireland, USA and Zimbabwe allow students and staff to achieve greater global understanding both through curriculum and enrichment work, as well as visits to partner schools funded by European and International programmes.

The school has been successful in attracting European Union support with funding of over £170,000 for five Comenius Projects and two Erasmus+ projects as well as a further £100,000 of funding for international projects from various sources. The projects fund cross-curricular activities and reciprocal visits for students and staff from Devonport High School for Girls and colleagues from several of the countries.

International School Award (ISA)

Devonport High School for Girls first achieved International School status in 2006 and has held it since, recently receiving it for the fourth time. The school’s International Co-ordinator was named International Co- ordinator for 2012 by HSBC / British Council in their Link2Learn awards and became a British Council Schools Ambassador in 2014. Devonport High School for Girls has been successfully reaccredited with the ISA award for 2018-2021. Our main international target is for students to enjoy well-established and enriching links with other countries and thereby gain a greater understanding of global issues.

Health Schools Plus Award

Devonport High School for Girls has achieved the National Healthy Schools Plus Award. The award is given to schools who fulfil rigorous standards in four areas: Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education, Healthy Eating, Physical Activity and Emotional Health and Well Being (PSHEE). Many subjects contributed to this award but also it acknowledges the valuable work done by Form Tutors in PSHEE lessons and on Enrichment Days. The work of the catering staff also contributed greatly to the Healthy Eating component. The award is recognition for all the students who take part in many activities including sports clubs, musical activities, art and drama clubs, the School Executive, Peer Mentors and for the external services that also support the school in making it a healthy environment.

Excerpts From Ofsted Report

Progress was particularly strong in English and humanities, where pupils achieved a whole grade higher than pupils nationally with the same starting points.

GCSE examinations in 2017, pupils’ overall progress was in the top 10% of all schools

disadvantaged pupils achieved at significantly higher levels than other pupils nationally and outperformed their peers in the school

Computer Science

The school was first awarded the ICT Mark in 2010 and this was renewed in 2013. This recognises that the school is committed to using technology to improve its overall effectiveness and efficiency.

The school is well-equipped with information and communications technology hardware based around four computer suites, a library resource area and sets of portable Macbooks and iPads. There are a number of satellite areas including the Art Block, Sixth Form Centre and the Languages Communications Room which is equipped with video-conferencing facilities. The school has recently upgraded its network infrastructure and has an effective school-wide, wireless network. All students have their own e-mail address, secure storage space on the school network and can access their Office 365 account, a remote learning platform, from any remote computer via the internet. The Edulink One allows parents/carers access to their daughter’s/ son’s records.

Keystage 4

In light of the changes to GCSE qualifications, the school made changes to the Key Stage 4 programme to create more time for the delivery of English and Mathematics and other EBacc subjects. It is delivered over three years with all students having the opportunity of studying ten GCSEs.

GCSE Results

Plymouth High School for Girls

Entrance Exam Dates:

For any further enquiries about the 11-plus procedure please contact the Admissions Team
Telephone: 01752 307469

Ofsted Report: Good

Test Type: GL


First opened in 1874.

STEM Specialisation

Plymouth High School was designated a specialist Technology College in the spring of 2003.

Technology College status led to a massive development for the school and, over the past 12 years, has had a major impact on the way we work. It centred on the core technology subjects of Maths, Science and Design Technology, bringing benefits to the whole school. Improvements in staffing, support, professional development, ICT facilities and links with industry and the community have helped us to focus on quality teaching and learning as our prime objective.

Although specialist status is no longer funded by the Government, we still appreciate how valuable STEM activities are to our students’ futures. Our links with industry, Higher Education and other institutions are benefiting both our own students and our wider community.


Plymouth High School has been awarded the prestigious ‘Investors in Careers’ award.

Every student is entitled to high quality careers education, information, advice and guidance, as they anticipate and prepare for their future roles in society.


Five science laboratories and four technology rooms offer a full range of facilities refurbished when we became a Technology College. These include specialist Biology, Chemistry and Physics labs, a CAD/CAM technology suite, a professional level catering room and a workshop.

The last major building programme was in September 2009 when the Local Authority invested £1.1 million in a new building project. This was an exciting development. The project led to a new classroom and ICT room built beside the entrance to our main hall, and above this a new science laboratory and office.

Gifted & Talented

We identify gifted and talented students so that members of staff are made aware of their particular needs; in this way students benefit from the guidance directing them towards the wide range of extra-curricular and enrichment activities available to enhance their gift or talent.


The school actively participates in local and national events which give girls opportunities to display their talents in a wide spectrum of skills. These include:

  • Art Exhibitions in the local community;
  • Choral and instrumental performances for public occasions;
  • City and County Dance and Gymnastics competitions,  where our students are regularly prize-winners;
  • Inter-schools Challenge Quiz Competition;
  • Citizenship Foundation Magistrates’ Mock Trial Competition;
  • Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme
  • Model United Nations Conference;
  • Young Enterprise;
  • Poetry Competitions;
  • Engineering Education Scheme;
  • Voices of Promise;
  • Mathematics Individual and Team Challenges;

GCSE Results

The Spires College

Entrance Exam Dates:

Ofsted Report: Rated as good in 2017. Required improvement in 2015.

Test Type: CEM

The test consists of two CEM papers supplied by Durham University and will be marked in accordance with their regulations. CEM tests cover English and Verbal Reasoning (VR), Maths and Numerical Reasoning, and Non-verbal Reasoning (NVR).


Bilateral School

The Spires College is a Bilateral School. Students in the bilateral stream follow the curriculum as outlined above but also study two Modern Languages from Year 7 as well as Philosophy, Politics and Economics to provide additional academic rigour. This is also provided through the pace and high level of challenge across the curriculum for the bilateral stream.


The Spires College is a purpose-built, modern school. The college has superb sporting facilities including a sports hall; full-size basketball court; large, mirrored dance studio with sprung floor; multi-station fitness suite with cardio equipment and fixed and free weight stations; and large playing fields overlooking the sea.

Expressive and Creative Arts are similarly well equipped, with two drama studios complete with stage lighting; numerous music rehearsal suites; a professional recording studio; technology work-shops and design room; professional grade catering rooms; art studios; ceramics rooms and a suite of photography rooms, including Mac suite, lighting studio and a large dark room.

Light and airy corridors mean that students move around calmly and quickly, so that important learning time is never wasted. Each subject is housed in a ‘pod’ so navigating your way around the site is easy.


Student Leadership is highly valued at The Spires College and many of our extra-curricular activities are run by or with the support of our older students in their roles as Youth Leaders. Students also have the opportunity to represent the views of their form or year group on the Year Council and College Council.


Those keen to explore the world around them can participate in the Ten Tors Challenge; work to gain their Bronze, Silver and Gold Duke of Edinburgh Awards or visit far-flung countries across the globe with the World Challenge. We have a partner School in Uganda, Wampeewo Ntakke Secondary School and many of our students are involved in ensuring this relationship thrives.

Torquay Boys’ Grammar School

Entrance Exam Dates: September 

Ofsted Report: Converted to Academy. Last report prior to status change revised school as outstanding.

Test Type: CEM Test


Founded in 1904.


the school has established itself as one of the top 20 boys’ schools in the country, and indeed the best in the southwest.


Music has an outstanding reputation at Torquay Boys’ Grammar School thanks to the superb performances by the bands, orchestras and individual music scholars led by highly-talented staff alongside peripatetic teachers.

Equipped with purpose-built music and practice rooms, a technology suite, and a recording studio, every boy becomes familiar with a wind or brass instrument in year 7, and with the keyboard in year 8, whilst over 150 boys enjoy further individual music tuition.

The bands have toured both nationally and internationally, performing at such prestigious venues as the Montreux Jazz Festival. At the end of the summer, our very well-received Tor-chella Music Festival around the Manor House allows all students (and staff) to showcase their musical talents.

What is more, annually, for nearly 30 years, Drama and Music have combined to stage what has become a supremely professional musical production – now a special focal point of the school’s tradition and sense of community.


A range of educational trips are also offered, including day visits for outdoor activities,

as well as longer residentials to Normandy and Spain, and later in school to Iceland and China.

Career Guidance

We have a dedicated careers team including

an independent advisor. Careers advice, mock interviews, work experience, careers fair, industry and higher-education days are made available at relevant times.


Every year, around 10-12 students gain places at Oxbridge, and many will graduate from Exeter, Bath, Cardiff, Durham, Warwick, Nottingham and Southampton. For many years, a student has been successful in being granted a place at Harvard, along with a $250,000 Sutton Trust grant. Popular courses include Medicine, Engineering, Natural Sciences, Business, Law, Pharmacy and Architecture, whilst many students read specific disciplines such as Mathematics or English.


Alumni from Torquay Boys’ Grammar School occupy positions in industry, business, academia, politics, economics, international relations and beyond.

We can currently boast Members of Parliament, national sportsmen, emeritus professors both

in this country and abroad, high-flying lawyers and bankers, financiers, medical consultants, TV personalities, Oscar winners and space directors.

GCSE Results

Torquay Girls’ Grammar School

Entrance Exam Dates: September

Ofsted Report: Outstanding

Test Type: CEM


Founded in 1915.

Encouraging Girls In STEM

Some forty percent of our Year Thirteen students go on to study STEM related degrees, and there are increasing numbers of students opting to study engineering and technical sciences after finishing their A levels. We would love to increase the number of students choosing STEM subjects, especially in engineering and technology.

Well Beings Programme

There has been a widely reported rise in the number of UK teenagers with mental health issues so in September 2015 we launched our ‘Well Beings programme’.

A programme designed to help our students become physically and mentally fit, as well as giving them the skills to work independently.


Sport provision includes a new £2 Million Sports Hall and modern netball and tennis courts. An all-weather astro pitch, opened in 2003, provides competition-standard facilities for all our students, including a large Pavillion.


We have had considerable success in team and individual sports with girls competing at local, national and international level. Games and athletics form a large part of out-of-school activities. Aerobics, cricket, fitball, boxercise, hockey, netball, tennis, badminton, rounders, swimming, athletics, tag rugby and football are available. Our new sports hall greatly enhances our ability to provide sporting opportunities. There is an extensive programme of fixtures and girls are encouraged to attend extra coaching sessions as well as enter themselves for area and county trials and assessment development centres.

Dartmoor Society

This society is open to girls in Years 9-13 who have an interest in walking and camping on Dartmoor. Girls learn navigational skills, the value of co-operation and interdependence and an appreciation of the environment. Activities take place on alternate weekends throughout the winter.

We have established a strong tradition of involvement in the annual Ten Tors Challenge. The emphasis is on team work as the girls walk and camp together on Dartmoor in all sorts of weather conditions, however, our teams have had outstanding success over many years.

GCSE Results
