Gloucestershire Grammar Schools

The Gloucestershire Grammar Schools have issued a statement regarding the entrance test for September entry (current Year 5 pupils) in light of current school closures due the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

Denmark Road High School

Entrance Exam Dates: September

Ofsted Report: School converted to Academy and changed name, but rated as outstanding prior to change.

Test Type: CEM (Gloucestershire)

What is the format of the test?

The test consists of multiple choice style questions on verbal ability (comprehension, vocabulary and verbal reasoning), numerical reasoning and non-verbal reasoning. There are two papers each lasting 50 to 55 minutes with additional time for instructions and some worked examples. There will be a break between the papers.

Why has the test been changed?

The seven Gloucestershire Grammar Schools are concerned by the amount of tutoring that currently takes place. CEM are one of the largest independent providers of educational assessment and monitoring systems in the world. They have been developing selection assessments since 1999, and provide tests for a number of grammar schools in other counties. CEM design their tests to enable all children to demonstrate their academic potential without excessive preparation.

Is it possible to obtain some practice papers/sample questions beforehand?

A familiarisation booklet will be available from the website which gives examples of the sorts of questions used in the test. CEM does not produce commercially available practice materials. Please be aware that materials sold on the internet or provided by tutors, other than CEM familiarisation and practice materials, are not genuine CEM samples.



Denmark Road High School named as the Southwest School of the Year 2020 by the Sunday Times school guide. The award recognises the outstanding achievements of Denmark Road High School's students in their GCSE and A Level’s.

National Ranking

The Government published their KS4 Pupil Progress data for all schools. These are used in their 'league tables' to allow parents to compare school performance. Last year, our Year 11 students achieved a Progress 8 score of +0.90. This means they achieved nearly one whole grade higher at Denmark Road than students of a similar ability nationally. Denmark Road was ranked 89th in the country for Pupil Progress from 6274 schools.


Our co-curricular programme of INVEST was introduced in 2016/17 and complements our regular provision.

At KS 4 and 5 students have a fortnightly or weekly INVEST timetabled session respectively, which gives them an opportunity to try something a bit different. This could be developing leadership skills through sports by working with primary school pupils, cooking on a budget, learning photography or gaining regular work experience though a weekly placement

There are also now INVEST days during the year for the whole school. On these days normal timetabled classes are suspended and replaced by a special programme of extended learning opportunities.

World Challenge

World Challenge is a fantastic company that provides student led expeditions and provides them with the opportunity to experience travelling, community engagement, and gain life changing skills in a multitude of destinations.

We are currently launching our next expedition to Morocco; this is for year 9 and 10 students.

GCSE Results

Marling School

Entrance Exam Dates: September

Ofsted Report: Outstanding

Test Type: CEM (Gloucestershire)

At the beginning of December 2013, the seven Gloucestershire Grammar Schools made a joint decision to start using Durham University (CEM) for the admissions test. CEM are one of the largest independent providers of educational assessment and monitoring systems in the world. They have been developing selection assessments since 1999, and provide tests for a number of grammar schools in other counties.

CEM design their tests to enable all children to demonstrate their academic potential without excessive preparation. CEM do not produce commercially available practice materials and they advise that the best preparation for their tests is to read books that challenge the reader and use mathematics on a regular basis. Please see the familiarisation booklet below to enable parents to give guidance on the style of questions used.


The School was founded in 1887.


French, German, Spanish and Latin are taught at the school.


Sports - Badminton, basketball, football, fencing, handball, netball, rugby, running, table tennis, yoga.

Languages - German and Russian.

Duke of Edinburgh

Marling School is a licensed organisation with the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme and offers the award at Bronze, Silver and Gold levels.

The BRONZE award is available to students in Year 9.

The SILVER award is available to students in Year 10 with expeditions taking place in the spring of Year 10 and the autumn of Year 11. Silver expeditions take part in more challenging terrain such as New Forest, Exmoor, Dartmoor or Brecon Beacons.

The GOLD award is available to students in Year 12/13 with expeditions taking place in the summer of Year 12 and Year 13. Marling offers walking expeditions (Peak District, Brecon Beacons, Lake District or Snowdonia National Park) and canoeing expeditions (River Wye). Some students may prefer to complete their GOLD expeditions overseas through a private organiser.

GCSE Results

Pate’s Grammar School

Entrance Exam Dates: September

Ofsted Report: Outstanding

Test Type: CEM


The High Performance Learning

In July 2019, Pate's was delighted to receive the The High Performance Learning (HPL) World Class School Award in recognition of our learning ethos. One of only nine schools to receive this around the globe in 2018/19, this award recognises the very best schools in the world and is designed for those at the forefront of educational thinking.

Pastoral Care

We are proud of the exceptional pastoral care our students receive and we invest considerable energy and resources in their wellbeing. Our number one priority is for them to feel happy and settled when they first arrive.


French, German and French are taught at the school.


Key Stage 3 - On Tuesday afternoons we further enrich our curriculum with a wide range of additional learning activities from cookery and climbing to yoga and bushcraft.

Key Stage 4 - Alongside the core GCSE curriculum students can then choose four options subjects from the list below, on top of the non-examined subjects of PDC (Personal Development Curriculum), Physical Education, Core PTE and Games.


Music flourishes at Pate's, both as an academic subject and as an important part of wider school life. The excellence of the music department has been nationally recognised with a Business Education Award and a Gold Award from the Incorporated Society of Musicians. Many of our musicians play or sing in national and county ensembles, and whether in assembly, concerts, lessons, workshops or tours, there are many opportunities for making music. Well over half of the school plays at least one instrument, with large numbers of pupils taking part in choirs, orchestras and bands. Both the Symphony Orchestra and Big Band have reached the finals of the National Festival of Music for Youth, and chamber ensembles have reached the finals, and indeed won, the Pro Corda National Chamber Music for Schools Competition.


Sport at Pate's thrives; a packed extra-curricular programme ensures opportunities for all. Each lunchtime our school field, astro-turf, sports hall and gym are alive with activity - from badminton to basketball and handball to hockey.

Our teams achieve exceptional results by any measure, we have an excellent reputation for our achievements. Many of our students play regularly at county level and we proudly support a number of students who compete at both national and international standard.

Outdoor Education

Pate's is committed to providing a breadth of curriculum and experiences, and therefore unusually for a state school runs a thriving Outdoor Education Department (OED), staffed full time by a number of experts in this field.

The aims of our Outdoor Education Department are to:

  • Teach the overcoming of adversity
  • Enhance personal and social development
  • Develop in students a deeper relationship with nature and a greater understanding of natural environments
  • Teach outdoor survival skills
  • Improve problem solving skill and teamwork
  • Develop leadership skills

Ribston Hall High School

Entrance Exam Dates: September

Ofsted Report: Good

Test Type: CEM (Gloucestershire)

What is the format of the test?

The test consists of multiple choice style questions on verbal ability (comprehension, vocabulary and verbal reasoning), numerical reasoning and non-verbal reasoning. There are two papers each lasting 50 to 55 minutes with additional time for instructions and some worked examples. There will be a break between the papers.

Why has the test been changed?

The seven Gloucestershire Grammar Schools are concerned by the amount of tutoring that currently takes place. CEM are one of the largest independent providers of educational assessment and monitoring systems in the world. They have been developing selection assessments since 1999, and provide tests for a number of grammar schools in other counties. CEM design their tests to enable all children to demonstrate their academic potential without excessive preparation.

Is it possible to obtain some practice papers/sample questions beforehand?

A familiarisation booklet will be available from the website which gives examples of the sorts of questions used in the test. CEM does not produce commercially available practice materials. Please be aware that materials sold on the internet or provided by tutors, other than CEM familiarisation and practice materials, are not genuine CEM samples.


Girls school.
School established in 1921.


(Letter from Headteacher)

As a Biologist, I recognise the value of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths), particularly in the education of women as these areas are under-represented in undergraduate study and pursuance of careers in these fields. This is something I would like to change by encouraging those that are interested to consider STEM at this school and view its study as an opportunity and a gateway to a multitude of careers.

Having recently heard the news that we have been successful in securing £1.5 million to build our new science block, we are excited that this will support our aim as well as providing our primary partnership schools an opportunity to experience and engage in science learning with us too.


French, German, Spanish taught at the school.

Students are given the opportunity to go abroad whilst at Ribston with trips to France and Germany in Year 8 during the Summer Term, and then in Year 9 with extra-curricular visits to the European Christmas Markets. In Year 10 and 11 students are able to travel to Spain, Germany, Poland and France. The foreign trips always prove popular, with over 150 students each year taking the opportunity to experience first-hand all aspects of culture, language, food, geography and history. In addition to this we have participated for many years in a highly successful German exchange to Göttingen, and are continuing to develop this link.

In January, we run the Languages and the World of Work module for all Year 9 students to help them decide on their options for Key Stage 4, putting language learning into context for the modern, international world. We invite speakers from a range of fields and professions, GCHQ being a popular example, to bring to life how Modern Foreign Languages can be both fascinating subjects and highly valuable to their future careers.

We value the cultural and linguistic diversity of our bilingual pupils and provide support to those who wish to extend their knowledge of their first language or gain qualifications in another language. Languages include Tamil, Portuguese, Japanese and Polish.


Dance is a valuable part of a student’s curriculum. Through years 7-13 they can gain more knowledge and understanding of the professional world of Performing Arts and extend their understanding of dance technique.

Various high profile performances are produced throughout the year, in order for students to gain as much large audience performance exposure as possible. Venues have included, Silverstone for ‘Formula one’, Twickenham for ‘Aviva Premiership Final’ and at The Millennium Stadium for ‘Opening Ceremony of the Rugby League World Cup.’ All students have an opportunity to take part in these activities and we encourage them to perform in at least one.

GCSE Results

Sir Thomas Rich’s School

Entrance Exam Dates: September

Ofsted Report: Rated as outstanding prior to being converted to an Academy.

Test Type: CEM (Gloucestershire)


We were awarded Specialist College status in three areas (Languages, Science, Leading Edge Mentor School) and on 1st October 2010 we became one of the first of the new Academies.


Students learn French, Spanish, German.

Teaching School

Teaching Schools are outstanding schools that work with others to provide high-quality training and development to new and experienced school staff. Sir Thomas Rich’s Gloucester leads the county’s newest Teaching School Alliance.


Sir Thomas Rich’s has an excellent reputation for its sporting achievements and the School also takes great pride in offering a broad range of sporting opportunities for all pupils, whatever their aptitudes and abilities.

The facilities for sport at Tommies are very good and a knowledgeable and enthusiastic coaching team work tirelessly with pupils to ensure that they enjoy their sport and fulfil their potential.

Pupils frequently continue their sporting activities into adult life and many Old Richian’s have gained national honours and international tournament experience in their chosen sports, some even before they leave the School.


There are termly Evening Concerts and regular Jazz Nights, House Music and the Choir performs in assembly and at our annual Carol Services at St Catharine’s and Longlevens Churches. Groups perform at the Cheltenham Music Festival and Citizenship Ceremonies. The music department regularly collaborates with the Drama department on productions.

GCSE Results

Stroud High School

Entrance Exam Dates: September

Ofsted Report: Rated as outstanding prior to being converted to an Academy.

Test Type: CEM (Gloucestershire)


Girls School. Co-ed Sixth Form.
School founded in 1904


The school also has an excellent reputation for sporting success, and a full and inclusive programme of sporting activities means there is something for girls of all abilities.

A large number of students participate in extra-curricular sporting activities which involve highly competitive team selection sports but also ‘sport for all’ – based clubs. Representation by individuals and teams at district, county, national and international is a constant feature of the school.


Almost half of our students take instrumental lessons. The girls enthusiastically commit time and effort to choirs, orchestras, ensembles and other groups. Some have appeared on radio and television and there are many opportunities for girls of every level of ability to take part in our concerts.


Our Art department, as well as running a number of extra-curricular clubs for different age-groups, is also very active in giving students a wide variety of experiences including workshops with local artists, art competitions, participation in the Gloucestershire Young Photographer Award, visits to exhibitions and talks from both ex-students and local artists.


There is a structured programme of visits and exchanges to France, Germany and Spain and other recent visits have included, the European Parliament in Strasbourg and recent trips include visits to Venice, France for watersports and skiing, and Burma. Each year departments plan visits to enrich the curriculum and provide opportunities to broaden study on our four Curriculum Enrichment Days.

Full list of trips.

Eco School Award

GCSE Results

The Crypt School

Entrance Exam Dates: September

Ofsted Report: Outstanding

Test Type: CEM (Gloucestershire)

What is the format of the test?

The test consists of multiple choice style questions on verbal ability (comprehension, vocabulary and verbal reasoning), numerical reasoning and non-verbal reasoning. There are two papers each lasing approximately one hour which includes instructions and some worked examples. There were will be a break between the papers. 

Is it possible to obtain some practice papers/sample questions beforehand?

A familiarisation booklet is on the school website with examples of the sorts of questions used in the test. CEM does not produce commercially available practice materials. Please be aware that materials sold on the internet or provided by tutors, other than CEM familiarisation and practice materials, are not genuine CEM samples.


Founded in 1539.


The Crypt has always enjoyed a strong reputation as a centre for sporting excellence. For those pupils who wish to develop their own performance further, we have a unique elite performance sport academy. Sports Science is taught at both GCSE and A Level.

Sports Academy

Our Sports Academy programme is designed to identify, support and challenge our more able sportsmen and women who have shown potential within their chosen sport. As a PE department, we have developed the following set criteria to identify our most talented athletes:

Performs at county level or above in their chosen sport.

Makes an outstanding contribution to various sport teams within the school, demonstrating all-round ability and a commitment to extra-curricular provision.

Consistently shows a higher level of ability and attainment in core PE lessons in comparison to the rest of their year group.

Sets an example for other students to follow in terms of behaviour, effort and endeavour when representing the school.


Year 7 begin their time at the School with an activity camp, which is part of our induction programme. The Modern Foreign Languages Department organise trips to France (Year 7) and the Rhineland (Year 9). Year 9 students are also given the opportunity to participate in an annual outward-bound trip to Club Corezze, in the south of France.

Year 12 Geography students enjoy an annual residential visit to Skern Lodge Field Study Centre in North Devon. The School organises an annual ski trip for all year groups, alternating between Europe and north America.

The PE department organises a full range of fixtures both locally and further afield, as well as overseas sports tours which have included to South Africa and Barbados. In addition, there are numerous day trips to the theatre, to revision and examination conferences, to universities, including Oxford and many students also participate in the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme.

Reading Skills

In the new academic year, we are excited to launch ‘Accelerated Reader’ (AR) for our Y7 and Y8 students. AR is a reading programme that is differentiated and personalised for every pupil involved to allow them to improve their reading skills.

GCSE Results
