Greater Manchester Grammar Schools

Altrincham Grammar School for Boys

Entrance Exam Dates: September

Ofsted Report: Converted to Academy. Rated as outstanding prior.

Test Type: GL


School founded in 1912.


We deliver lessons in French, Spanish, Latin and Chinese.

Our aim is to instill a global dimension into the teaching and learning of students and staff across all curriculum areas. AGSB pupils are global citizens and they will have the opportunity to live and work all over the world. Through the study of language boys gain intercultural understanding as well as valuable communication and language skills during their time at AGSB.

MFL exchanges take place annually with partner schools in France, Germany and Spain, during which boys experience different cultures at first hand and practise their language skills. Immersion Courses in China, Russia and the Middle East have taken intrepid boys and staff to far flung destinations, as have our links with the Apeejay schools in Delhi, India.


In a full range of sports AGSB are regularly featured in the top 10 of the best state schools for sport in the UK. Sporting opportunities have seen big changes in recent years. A £4 million investment brought about a radical transformation of our facilities. Now the School boasts, in addition to 16 acres of attractive playing fields, an Astroturf pitch, four tennis courts, two cricket wickets and a large sports complex including two sports halls and a large fitness gym.

Standards are high with rugby, football, hockey, tennis, table tennis, cross country and basketball teams gaining success at local, regional and national level. Individually, the School has recently produced many national, regional and county players in a full range of sports.

The School has also welcomed visits from a number of star players who come along and offer pupils some sporting advice. These have included Jeremy Guscott, Freddie Flintoff and Bobby Charlton.


All students in Year 7 - 8 have an opportunity to learn a musical instrument in their music lessons. The Coleman Hall and the Stamford Hall are used for large- scale concerts and musicals and there are also large and small practice rooms. Music lessons are ‘hands on’ and very popular. Our ‘showcase’ bands are the Senior Concert and Swing

Bands, both of which have received national acclaim through success in competitions.


One annual favourite is the ever popular, and much enthused over, annual Spring term Ski Trip, which has been held, amongst other destinations, in Italy, France and America.

The biennial ‘World Challenge’ expedition is a more demanding expedition; recent destinations have included South Africa, Ecuador and Argentina. Students who have taken

part have had the experience of trekking out into some of the most beautiful, historically rich and challenging terrains.

Every year there are excursions to Italy or Greece led by the Classics Department and an arts trip to the beautiful and architecturally rich city of Venice. There is also a historical outing to the First World War battlefields and the language department runs several trips to France, Germany and Spain to expand pupils’ knowledge of the country, culture and the language.

Many of the above take place during Activities Week in July when the School timetable is suspended to allow for a wealth of extra-curricular enrichment.


Since 1998 over £500,000 has been raised and spent on capital developments including the Stamford Hall, new Classrooms for Mathematics, the new Sixth Form Centre, Sports Centre, Food & Nutrition Room and Physics Centre.

Some Of The Goals Set Out By The School

Gain consistently outstanding outcomes at GCSE and A levels

Be the leading school in the region for pastoral care

Lead and manage the successful new build and utilisation of space in the ‘main building; prepare for 7 form entry in September 2020

GCSE Results

Altrincham Grammar School for Girls

Entrance Exam Dates: September

Ofsted Report: Outstanding

Test Type: CEM



In 2002 the School was awarded Language College status. This has enabled us to build upon our record of highly successful teaching in three languages (French, German and Spanish) and expand and develop our curriculum for the benefit of the wider community. As a Language College we have set ourselves challenging targets for increased success in examinations at all key stages, together with a commitment to increasing the proportion of our pupils studying at least two foreign languages. We are fortunate to be able to employ Foreign Language Assistants in each language. In addition we have Information Technology resources, computers and software, for use both within lessons and as an extra-curricular facility for independent learning.

Teaching School

Here at AGGS, students are privileged to be taught by a team of highly qualified teachers who are passionate about their subjects. As a Teaching School and a lead school for Alliance for Learning, we invest in the continuing professional development of all of our staff and this has clear benefits for students who learn from exceptionally skilled and knowledgeable teachers.

Dance Classes

Among the many extra-curricular activities the school offers one of the most extensive dance programs among other grammar schools in styles including street, Indian, tap, contemporary and a dance performing group (by audition).

In Year 10, pupils have the opportunity to study Dance to GCSE level. The AQA GCSE Dance course studied provides students with the opportunity to study professional dance works and professional practice. It also provides students with opportunities to create, perform and analyse Dance in great depth.

Leadership Skills

Student leadership opportunities are many and varied, enabling students to use and develop their leadership skills: there are head girls in the sixth form, prefects in Year 11, a peer mentoring programme, digital leaders, anti- bullying ambassadors, wellbeing ambassadors and a charity committee. In addition, each year group has a school council and there is an executive school council with representatives from every year group, which serve as the link between the students and the leadership of the school. These opportunities allow the students to learn that they can effect positive change and take on roles of responsibility which prepare them for life beyond school.

Loreto Grammar School

Entrance Exam Dates: September

Ofsted Report: Converted to Academy. Rated as outstanding prior.

Test Type: GL/Test Set By School
It will consist of closed GL tests in Verbal Reasoning and English plus a closed school test in Mathematics.


Teaching School

As an outstanding provider of secondary education in the North West region, we at Loreto Grammar School are committed to working collaboratively within and beyond our Alliance schools locally and nationally to support, improve and raise the quality and standards of education for all children.

We are a National Support School led by Mrs Jane Beever, who is a National Leader of Education and we have supported and are currently working successfully with a number of schools within the locality and beyond.

GCSE Results

GCSE % at the bottom of the page.

Sale Grammar School

Entrance Exam Dates: September

Ofsted Report: Outstanding

Test Type: CEM



Our newly constructed Sixth Form centre, 3G Astro-itch, P.E. laboratory and music studio offer specialist learning facilities. State-of-the-art computer suites, science and language laboratories, a specialist ceramics area, Art and Technology spaces are all used by our learners in addition to well equipped class rooms.

Career Guidance

Sale Grammar School prides itself on providing all students with comprehensive, impartial and up to date careers information, advice and guidance.

Students in Years 7 and 8 explore the world of work through their Skills for Life Curriculum. Year 7 Students take part in our Enterprise Challenge, where they cover topics such as; what is Enterprise, how to write a business plan and how to effectively deliver a pitch. Year 8 Students get an in introduction to the world of work as it relates to young people and an introduction to Start, a digital platform designed to help students make more informed study and career choices at key moments of choice and transition.

In Year 9 a great deal of the careers education, advice and guidance is linked to GCSE option choices. Throughout the course of the year they work with both Form Tutors and Teachers in arriving at their final decision. Time is spent in Skills for Life lessons discussing personal qualities, interests and goals which help students make decisions. Students also use Start to build a picture of their career aspirations and subject choices, as well as to start to evidence an understanding of key employability skills.

Year 10 Students complete a Work Experience Placement in July.

Year 11 Students develop their work-based skills within the Skills for Life Curriculum. They use the Start website to research their Post-16 options and develop their personal marketing skills through the development of a CV writing and through a soft skill audit. They are also informed of other study options such as Higher Apprenticeships, studying A Levels at other Sixth Form and Vocational Qualifications.


French and Spanish is taught at the school.

Active Learning Week

Year 7 had a diverse mix of activities, including: Codebreaking, Laser Cityscapes, Glass Symbolism , Horrible Histories workshop as well as a stimulating trip to Manchester Art Gallery. They also developed their culinary skills through pizza and tapas making.

Year 8 enjoyed a trip to Chester Zoo and Quarry Bank Mill, whilst in school there was a distinctly international flavour, through African drumming and the amazing Rainforest Roadshow.

Year 9 had a memorable time at their Cholmondeley Camp, with activities such as Survival SOS, Bushcraft Baking, Tribes got Talent and the SGS Musical Festival. You can enjoy the video of their experience too.

St Ambrose College

Entrance Exam Dates: September

Ofsted Report: Outstanding

Test Type: Set Own Exam Similar To GL

The Entrance Exam will consist of three elements, Verbal Reasoning, Maths and English. These tests will be marked and age standardised. Standardisation means that each candidate’s score can be compared to those achieved by other children of the same age. A successful outcome will be achieved by those applicants who score 320 or above in the entrance exam “the qualifying score”.


Boys school.

Sports & P.E.

We are fortunate to offer some of the best facilities in the country, with a 25 metre swimming pool, a four court badminton sports hall and a fully equipped fitness suite. The outside sporting facilities are also enhanced by three rugby pitches, an all-weather floodlit 4th generation pitch, cricket nets, two artificial wickets and a 7-a-side all-weather football pitch. We have recently added three full-sized tennis courts. All students are encouraged to participate, enjoy sports and keep fit.

The extra curricular programme is extensive with students representing College rugby union, cross-country, basketball, swimming, water polo, athletics, table tennis, tennis, badminton and cricket teams. Three senior soccer teams and individual sports are encouraged within the College. Inter school tournaments are run in football, badminton and rowing. The College also holds its own triathlon.

The College has become renowned for its biannual sports tours. Senior students have visited Barbados, South America, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Fiji, America and Canada. Junior tours similarly have travelled to Ireland, France, Holland and Italy. Many continuing sporting links have been made with these countries.


In September 2012, the College opened its new £24 million building.

Sports facilities are contained in the southern wing and extend over two floors. The twenty five metre long, six lane swimming pool sits directly below the sports hall and provides views across the rugby pitches and cricket square. The air conditioned sports hall, houses a full size basketball court, cricket nets and four badminton courts. Alongside this is a fitness suite equipped with Concept 2 rowing machines, weights and fitness stations.

The senior rugby pitch and cricket square maintain the views from Hale Road. These facilities have been supplemented by two further rugby fields to the south of the building, where spectators can view matches from the grassed terrace areas or the viewing balcony.

The outdoor areas provide additional areas for pupil development with the wetland areas and allotments; there is also a ‘trim trail’ and exercise area along with traversing walls.


In the Languages faculty pupils are given the opportunity to learn three languages (French, Spanish and Latin) as well as coming into direct contact with the culture of the countries where the languages are spoken.

Pupils have the opportunity to take part in a variety of trips. At the end of Year 1, all pupils will be given the opportunity to visit Normandy in France. Sixth Formers studying Spanish are offered a week’s work experience in a range of Spanish companies in Córdoba, whilst those studying French, subject to numbers, maybe offered a similar experience in Caen, Normandy. During such visits, they are accommodated in Spanish or French families, thus providing a real insight into the culture, as well as ample opportunity to practise their language.

Some of our Sixth Formers also participate in Year 1 and 2 lessons, helping the younger boys practise their language skills. Many old Ambrosians have gone on to study languages at University, either as a Single or Dual Honours Languages Degree, or in combination with other subjects such as Business Studies, Law and Sciences.

Debating Society

The Debating Society meets regularly and many of our boys perform in external competitions. This popular lunchtime society encourages cooperation, interest and friendship across all age groups within the school. It is largely run by Sixth Form students who not only take part in lively debates, but also act as chair and judges allowing them to develop vital leadership, teamwork and cooperation skills.

GCSE Results

At the end of the prospectus.

Stretford Grammar School

Entrance Exam Dates: September

Ofsted Report: Good

Test Type: CEM


Specialist Status in Mathematics and Science.

Science Enrichment Activities

There is an extensive programme of trips which includes visits to University lectures, Chester Zoo, Scientific demonstrations and roadshows. We also organise for a range of Scientists and Engineers to visit in order to work with our students; this enables students to develop an understanding of the range of STEM careers available to them. Students regularly participate in a range of Regional and National competitions including: Presenting at the Big Bang, The Ultimate Car Challenge (Year 10), The Roller Coaster Challenge (Years 8 and 8), Chem Quiz (Years 7-10), The Science and Engineering Challenge (Years 8 and 9), Salters Festival (Years 7 and 8) and the Biology, Chemistry and Physics Olympiads (Years 12 and 13). For the past three years our students also delivered a range of Science activities to visitors at the Cheshire Show and students have entered the Schools competition at the RHS show at Tatton Park. There are Science club activities for Year 7 students and there is also a Gardening club where students learn how grow their own food. We also run a range of opportunities for KS2 students to visit the school and work in the Science laboratories.

Small School - Class Sizes

Ofsted recently noted that a crucial factor in the results achieved was the positive relationships between staff and students. The fact that we are a small school only serves to facilitate these relationships and, consequently, students very quickly feel part of the community.


Students have access to a variety of cutting edge technology tools to enhance their learning experience.

Office 365

Stretford Grammar School provides Office 365 as a service to all students at the school for free. Using this service, they can access Secure Email, Microsoft Office Software and Online Cloud Storage.


GCSEPOD is an online resource that enables you to listen to or download a wide variety of podcasts that cover the key elements of many of the courses that you study at GCSE level.

Show My Homework

App which parents can use to monitor their children progress.

Roots & Shoots

Following the successful lottery bid at the start of 2012 pupils have worked tirelessly growing and developing the vegetable garden area. The pupils have enjoyed taking home produce to eat and the Summer term culminated in the school entering the prestigous RHS Tatton Flower Show where they won the secondary schools ‘vegetable trug’ competition. The pupils harvested the remainder of their crops before the winter set in and are planning for next season.

The school has also been awarded levels 3 and 4 in the RHS school garden campaigns and are now working on growing all year round and making an impact on the local community to achieve level 5 the top most level awarded by the RHS to school gardens.

Autumn saw the installation of a greenhouse.

The garden club takes place every Tuesday lunchtime and after school and in the Spring/Summer months.

GCSE Results

Urmston Grammar Academy

Entrance Exam Dates: September

Ofsted Report: Converted to Academy. Rated as outstanding prior.

Test Type: CEM


Times Top 500

Our position in the Times Top 500 Schools means that we are regularly in the top 5% of schools nationally.


French, German & Spanish are taught at the school.

In addition our pupils can learn Mandarin Chinese, Spanish and Italian, and attend Languages Film Club.


Our teachers have taken children on expeditions to the WW1 battlefields in

Belgium and the ski slopes of France, as well as to countries as far flung as Costa Rica, Honduras, Iceland and Kenya. Each year, we also run an exchange programme with our partner school in Lille and offer Year 9 students the opportunity to visit Ger- many. These trips develop our students’ language skills and expose them to different cultures.

Parents Homework App

Parents can track what home work has been set, when homework deadlines are approaching and what grade their child received for their work via the Show My Homework app.

Prospectus Video

GCSE Results
