Kent Medway Grammar Schools

Holcombe Grammar School

Entrance Exam Dates:

(in schools for children in Medway primary/junior schools)

(in school for Medway school that opt for Saturday testing and in test centres for children not in Medway primary/junior schools)

Ofsted Report: Good

Test Type: Medway 11 Plus/CEM

Mathematics and verbal reasoning are marked on the number of correct answers

Extended writing is marked against specific criteria.

These tests are written specifically for Medway Council.


Boys school.


Extra-curricular activities are very important to us and we offer a wide range of sports including football, hockey, rugby, athletics, cricket and tennis at levels accessible and appropriate for anyone who wishes to participate. The school encourages students with aspirations to play football at a high level, to receiving coaching from older students already playing good quality football and who have been supported by the school to work toward coaching qualifications.

Thinking School

At Holcombe we have adopted the Thinking School’s approach to teaching and learning. Students are taught a variety of thinking approaches and techniques that they can use to support them in whatever activity they are engaged in, thereby achieving better academic and personal outcomes.


By rewarding students for having done the right thing, we reinforce good habits, thereby developing routines and skills that will make them successful through their life. To reinforce these desired habits and skills, we use a comprehensive reward system for students. Every student has a Reward Card. Teachers are encouraged to give students a House point on the students Reward Card whenever they see the student exhibiting the behaviour we are trying to reinforce. As students accumulate House Points they gain rewards.


Our students have an excellent track record of achieving university offers from some of the country’s most prestigious universities such as Oxford, Cambridge, Warwick, Leeds and Bath.

GCSE Results

Chatham Grammar School for Girls

Entrance Exam Dates:

(in schools for children in Medway primary/junior schools)


(in school for Medway school that opt for Saturday testing and in test centres for children not in Medway primary/junior schools)

*Please see attached PDF for reference or link below

Ofsted Report: Good

Test Type: Medway 11 Plus/CEM

Mathematics and verbal reasoning are marked on the number of correct answers

Extended writing is marked against specific criteria.

These tests are written specifically for Medway Council.


Leadership Development Program

The Leadership Development Program is an exciting new programme of study for Year 7 and 8 students aimed at developing learning skills, employability and leadership skills.

The programme directly leads into the Academy’s reward system and students are awarded leadership points for demonstrating the application of the seven habits of being a successful leader through their academic career.


We believe that travel and cultural experiences are key to the growth and development of our young people at the Academy and the examples of some of our adventures include:

  • Skiing in Italy
  • Dance trip to New York
  • Water sports in Spain
  • Language trips - France, Spain and Germany
  • Geography trip to Iceland
  • Latin trips to Greece


French, Spanish and German are offered at the school.

Online Learning Platform

Edmodo is the name of our new virtual learning platform (VLE). This is the site where teachers upload learning materials for students (including homework) and where students can access resources for their learning and post replies to homework and other activities. You, as parents and carers, can also access Edmodo to see what your child is learning in class, what homework has been set (with deadlines), and what feedback your child has received.

iPads For Learning

Students are provided with iPads to aid their learning.

GCSE Results

Sir Joseph Williamson’s Mathematical School

Entrance Exam Dates:

(in schools for children in Medway primary/junior schools)


(in school for Medway school that opt for Saturday testing and in test centres for children not in Medway primary/junior schools)

*Please see attached PDF for reference or link below

Ofsted Report: Converted to an Academy. Rated as outstanding prior.

Test Type: Medway 11 Plus/CEM

Mathematics and verbal reasoning are marked on the number of correct answers

Extended writing is marked against specific criteria.

These tests are written specifically for Medway Council.



Sport is a particular strength of the school. In addition to regular lessons and the use of exceptional facilities, the school employs a number of specialist coaches, in rugby, cricket and netball to further develop our pupils’ skills. Close to two-thirds will compete in some form of sporting competition within school through the House system.

The school’s sporting facilities are second to none. They comprise an indoor swimming pool, a full size (recently resurfaced) Astroturf pitch, a modern well equipped Gym as well as a sports hall and extensive playing fields. A range of teams operate in all year groups with many competitive matches being played on Saturday mornings. As well as rugby, cricket and hockey the school also provides opportunities to take part in a wide range of sporting activities at all levels.


Trips and visits play a huge part in the development of the students at the Math. Curricular trips are offered in school time and provide an opportunity to undertake fieldwork or develop knowledge of aspects of the programmes of study. Extra-curricular trips take place in holidays and include cricket tours to Barbados, a rugby tour to America and a Camps International trip to Malawi and many other opportunities. Most years upwards of 50 different trips/visits are offered across the school.

The school also holds the prestigious International Schools Award at the Gold level and participates in a number of Erasmus projects and exchanges.


French, Spanish and Latin are offered at the school.

Duke of Edinburgh

Another example of pupil achievement outside the academic field is through the Duke of Edinburgh programme. Extremely high numbers of pupils across the school participate, gaining skills of independence, team work and self-sufficiency, whilst at the same time having a great time with both their peers and the staff who support the scheme.


In the lower school this is delivered through Life Skills lessons and is a dedicated part of the curriculum. All senior students will spend two days off timetable in

a series of workshops and seminars focused on particular careers, delivered by members of our alumni association. There is also an extremely valuable week of work experience. The school holds the prestigious Investors in Careers Award at the highest level.

Rainham Mark Grammar School

Entrance Exam Dates:

(in schools for children in Medway primary/junior schools)


Ofsted Report: Outstanding

Test Type: Medway 11 Plus/CEM

Mathematics and verbal reasoning are marked on the number of correct answers

Extended writing is marked against specific criteria.

These tests are written specifically for Medway Council.



Music is an important part of life at RMGS and sees students participate in a wide variety of activities. Students' learning is well supported in the Music block, which, in addition to two classrooms, features four practice rooms, a recording studio and a recital hall. One of the classrooms also functions as a music specialist ICT suite. Extra-Curricular opportunities exist for students to perform in ‘Cello Choir, Vocal Chords (keyboard and vocals), Junior Wind Band, Brass Group, Big Band, Guitar Club, Ukulele Club, Jam Club, String Group, and Music Technology Club. These groups perform regularly in school concerts and in the wider community. Every year all proceeds from the Christmas Concerts go to charity.

Past students have also been successful in local competitions, such as the Medway Young Musician of the Year, and students regularly go on to study Music at university and conservatoire.


Trips are organised either as part of a subject syllabus, such as Geography field trips, or as cultural or recreational visits. Residential visits are arranged to France, Germany and Spain. Local outings to theatres, museums and exhibitions are always popular.


Citizenship Education is delivered across the curriculum in a wide variety of subjects and also through our pastoral work and out of school activities. Students in Years 8 and 9 receive regular citizenship lessons as part of the CCW (Character Careers and Wellbeing) programme.

Continuing (Teacher) Professional Development

The purpose of continuing professional development at RMGS is to enable teachers to flourish in the profession. At RMGS, the CPD programme also focuses on student well-being, to ensure staff are aware of current developments in student welfare, mental health and LGBTQ issues. The CPD programme at RMGS ensures that staff are up-to-date on policies such as Prevent, Health and Safety, Internet Safety and Safeguarding.

GCSE Results

Fort Pitt Grammar School

Entrance Exam Dates:

(in schools for children in Medway primary/junior schools)

Ofsted Report: Converted to an Academy. Rated as outstanding prior.

Test Type: Medway 11 Plus/CEM

Mathematics and verbal reasoning are marked on the number of correct answers

Extended writing is marked against specific criteria.

These tests are written specifically for Medway Council.


Girls school.

Exceptional Ability And Aptitude Testing & Curriculum

At Fort Pitt, we have just over 300 students who are identified as having ‘Exceptional Ability and Aptitude’ (EAA) – substantially more than the average 10% expected in a school. This could be explained by several factors, including – of course – that we are a selective grammar school. But we firmly believe that our EAA policy adds great educational value to even the most able student’s experience at school. Just as importantly, it increases every student’s chances of being stretched to her full potential.


Opportunities for performance at school, regional and national level, including school concerts, maths challenges, science competitions, and sporting tournaments.

Fast-tracking groups (e.g. potential Oxbridge & Russell Group students, MFL careers and learning guidance).

Opportunities for students to work as facilitators for special events (Space Day, Shakespeare Morning, etc).

Partnerships with other schools (e.g. links with Robert Napier and Phoenix; visits from international schools; supporting maths, science and languages lessons in primary schools; the Medway Challenge Cup).

Working with other agencies (e.g. MEBP, Rotary).

Working with businesses (e.g. Kent Messenger, Kent Profile Magazine, work awareness programmes, Rotary interviews).

‘Alright to be Bright Week’, which will sometimes be renamed for promotional purposes. The week encompasses a variety of activities both within school and in national competitions.

Annual MENSA testing for selected students.


National schemes (e.g. Peterhouse and Cambridge essay competitions; Academy Excellence Awards; Oxford University Extension Opportunity for Year 7; DUX Awards).

Regional schemes (e.g. G&T Christchurch Canterbury; Medway and Kent Extension opportunities; Medway Easter & Summer School; University of SE England Regional G&T Partnership; UEA opportunities).

Competitions and festivals (e.g. Rotary competitions; MEBP special days; BAE Systems Engineering Taster Week).

Gifted and Talented Conference – a yearly event in London open to Years 10 and 11.


Cultural visits abroad: recent overseas trips have taken students to countries as diverse as Morocco, Nepal, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Iceland and the USA.

Skiing trips: destinations have included the French Alps and Austrian Tyrol.

Fieldwork: including geographical trips to the Olympic Park and Finland.

Visits to historic buildings, galleries, theatres, museums and workshops: to complement specific areas of the curriculum, especially Art, Geography, History, Philosophy and Ethics, and English.

World Challenge activities: this year students flew off to Vietnam, completing a variety of projects within a small village community.

Visits to universities and public lectures: we have close links with Russell Group and 1994 Group universities


In the first two years of a student’s time at Fort Pitt, her lessons will cover the full range of National Curriculum subjects, together with Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHEE), Philosophy and Ethics, and Careers Guidance.

Our aim is to ensure that by the age of 16 all students have an exceptionally strong core of GCSEs, including English, Mathematics and the Sciences, together with a variety of other subjects. At present, all students continue to study Philosophy and Ethics, PE and PSHE throughout Key Stage 4. Students are encouraged to choose English Baccalaureate subjects, but this is not obligatory; we believe students are most successful when they are able to choose subjects they enjoy and excel at.


French, German, Spanish and Latin are offered at the school

Academic Support

We offer significant academic support to all students and closely monitor attainment and progress throughout the year. In addition to the evaluation of test and assessment scores that are reported to parents, we also take the time to discuss concerns or worries with students and families on a regular basis.

Our highly committed and superb teaching staff offer an abundance of out-of-hours extension, booster and catch-up sessions, and are always happy to go the extra mile to help students.

We have a team of SAMS (Student Academic Mentors) drawn from outstanding performers and subject experts in the Sixth Form that support younger students from years 7-11 that have been identified as requiring help to catch up in certain areas.

GCSE Results

The Rochester Grammar School

Entrance Exam Dates:

(in schools for children in Medway primary/junior schools)


(in school for Medway school that opt for Saturday testing and in test centres for children not in Medway primary/junior schools)

Ofsted Report: Converted to an Academy. Rated as outstanding prior.

Test Type: Medway 11 Plus/CEM

Mathematics and verbal reasoning are marked on the number of correct answers

Extended writing is marked against specific criteria.

These tests are written specifically for Medway Council.


Girls school. Mixed Sixth Form.

International Trips

Cultural visits abroad, which include exchanges with families in France, Germany and Japan, also broaden their horizons. In 2017 RGS was awarded the British Council’s prestigious International School Award in recognition of its work to bring the world into the classroom.

Students have the opportunity to embark upon World Challenge expeditions to improve the quality of life of communities in less economically developed countries.

Thinking School

The school is currently being re-accredited as a Thinking School.

Online Learning

The online Learning Platform (Edmodo) provides day-long year round support for learning tasks and individual exploration. All girls develop their own personalised online learning platform, used for exchanging views on various topics as well as for submitting work for assent online.

Duke of Edinburgh

We also have one of the highest number of students taking the Duke of Edinburgh award at all levels in the country.

GCSE Results
