London Sutton Grammar Schools

Greenshaw High School

Entrance Exam Dates: September

Ofsted Report: Good

Test Type: Sutton SET Test

The test is made up of two papers; a multiple-choice Maths paper and a multiple-choice English paper. The tests do not include verbal reasoning or non-verbal reasoning. Candidates record their answers on a separate answer sheet by filling in a lozenge-shape for answer A, B, C, D or E. You can see an example of the answer sheet here. If candidates change their mind about the answer, they need to rub out as fully as possible the wrong answer and replace it with the new answer. The exam papers take between 40 and 50 minutes each and there is a rest and toilet break between the two.

An extract from a sample answer sheet can be viewed here.


Research School - Top Teachers

Greenshaw High School is a designated Research School, it is one of 39 research schools across the country (including associate research schools) which are funded by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) with the main aim of leading the way in supporting teachers to use evidence-based practice in their teaching.

The research schools collaborate to devise professional development based on empirical evidence of what works and ‘best bets’. This means that Greenshaw has access to the most up-to-date research and is at the forefront in disseminating this and supporting the interpretation of evidence to other schools across London and the South East.


The PE department has been awarded a gold kitemark for its provision for extra-curricular sport. Its sports teams include: basketball, football, netball, table tennis, cricket, rounders, gymnastics and dance. Greenshaw has strong links with its local community clubs and currently holds table tennis academy status.

The Big Ideas That Shaped Our World

The Big Ideas That Shaped Our World is a programme created by teachers at Greenshaw, which aims to broaden students’ knowledge of the world and its history.

At the same time, it develops students’ vocabulary and introduces them to ideas, people, works of art and cultural artefacts that they might not otherwise encounter. We believe that all of these things are fundamental to the education of our young people to enable them to become an informed and well-rounded member of society.

From the Classical World to the revolutionary concepts in Postmodernism, students can engage with the broad range of human ideas – in philosophy, history, literature, religion, geography, art, design, science and technology – that all contribute to not only the world we experience today, but also to understanding any higher level academic study.


Residential trips to support learning, such as Isle of Wight, Juniper Hall, Auschwitz, WW2 battlefields, Paris, New York and field work.

Bi-annual ski trip to Zell am Ze, Austria.

Expedition in alternate years to far flung countries such as Zambia, Peru, Borneo, Nepal.

Greenshaw App

Healthy Eating

At Greenshaw, our main aims are to embed healthier eating habits and encourage more social interaction between students at mealtimes. All food is freshly baked or steamed, we no longer fry any of our food. We have also installed additional water coolers. This will encourage all students to bring reusable water bottles and fill them during break times so that they keep well hydrated throughout the day.

GCSE Results

Nonsuch High School for Girls

Entrance Exam Dates:
September - Selective Eligibility Test

Ofsted Report: Good

Test Type: Sutton SET Test


Nonsuch opened its doors to pupils on 3rd May 1938.


Music has a high profile at Nonsuch and plays an important role in school life. Prospective music students will find that both practical music-making and the academic study of music thrive here. The Music Department is housed in a modern, purpose built suite, situated above the school hall. Facilities are excellent, with two large recital-sized classrooms; a composition suite (complete with 25 new computers running Sibelius 7); eight practice rooms and a recording studio. In addition, the school hall is in regular use as our principle concert venue and houses our recently acquired nine-foot concert grand piano. Opportunities for extra-curricular music making are plentiful. We currently run two orchestras (Symphony and Junior), three choirs (Chamber, School and Junior), Jazz Band, Concert Band, African Drumming Ensemble, Ukulele Group and Indian Ensemble. Chamber music also flourishes; current ensembles include several quartets, wind and brass groups and the award winning Vox Celestes. Opportunities are also available for sixth form students to coach lower school pupils, to establish and lead their own ensembles and bands.

Our ethos is one that promotes inclusivity and musical diversity across all year groups. As a consequence, the Music Department has a very busy concert schedule, with over thirty events taking place each year, both in and out of school. Standards are high and many of our students choose to extend their musical studies at the junior conservatories in London. At present, several are also members of prestigious youth orchestras, including The National Youth Orchestra, London School Symphony Orchestra and The National Children’s Orchestra. In addition to roles in our ensembles, students will have the opportunity to audition as a concerto soloist with the Symphony Orchestra and for lead roles in the annual school musical. The department arranges a regular series of visits to London to attend concerts, operas, musicals and recitals, all of which provide our students with frequent opportunities to experience world-class musical performances on a regular basis. Nonsuch music students regularly go on to study music at Oxbridge, Russell Group universities and the London music colleges.


Sport is an integral part of school life at Nonsuch with many girls participating in the numerous activities on offer. As well as the major team sports we offer activities such as Pilates, martial arts and cheerleading.

In addition to regular sporting fixtures the PE department also organises additional events. Recent events include:

  • Hockey and netball tours to Holland and Spain
  • Ski trip to Austria and USA
  • Activities trip to the Dordogne and Costa Brava
  • Annual gym and dance display
  • Sports awards evening


Students learn Latin from Year 7 and another language (either French, German or Spanish) in Year 8. This exposure to language develops students’ grammatical literacy.

Career Guidance

CEIAG Program

Careers Information – including learning options, skills, occupations, labour market information (LMI) and progression routes

Careers Advice and Guidance - personalised help when required from advisers to identify long-term goals and plan steps to attain them

Careers Education - gives students the knowledge and skills for planning and managing their careers

Work-related learning – experiences within and outside of the curriculum which help students learn about economic well-being, careers and enterprise

Development of Employability Skills - realistic and meaningful opportunities for development of employability skills

Online Resources

Students in all year groups have access to Fast Tomato which is an online careers portal and is designed to help young people broaden their horizons and consider a broader spectrum of career and education options. Students take a short psychometric questionnaire which gauges interests, attitudes and motivations.

Extra Support/Life Coaching

Pupil premium students and those identified as needing extra support are invited to attend workshops run by our independent professional careers advisor or one-to-one consultations. These sessions include further information, advice and guidance on careers and further education. Students are also invited to attend sessions which help them to build upon and improve their self-esteem, self-belief and self-confidence and these are led by a qualified life coach.

A wide variety of career related extra-canicular activities are organise by the school (see link below).

GCSE Results

Sutton Grammar School

Entrance Exam Dates:
The SET for admission will take place in September.
The Stage 2 test will take place in October.

Ofsted Report: Was the Sutton Grammar School For Boys before being converted to the Sutton Grammar School (an Academy), rated as outstanding prior, no new reports.

Test Type: Sutton SET Test

Should your son be successful in the Selective Eligibility Test, he will be invited to sit the second stage Entrance Examination. If your son passes this test you must include Sutton Grammar School on the Common Application Form (CAF) to be eligible for consideration for a place at Sutton Grammar School.

The test is made up of two papers; a multiple-choice Maths paper and a multiple-choice English paper. The tests do not include verbal reasoning or non-verbal reasoning. Candidates record their answers on a separate answer sheet by filling in a lozenge-shape for answer A, B, C, D or E. You can see an example of the answer sheet below. If candidates change their mind about the answer, they need to rub out as fully as possible the wrong answer and replace it with the new answer. The exam papers take between 40 and 50 minutes each and there is a rest and toilet break between the two.

An extract from a sample answer sheet can be viewed below.

We do not provide specimen papers. The content of the Maths and English tests is broadly based on the Key Stage 2 curriculum.

You can find examples of the sorts of questions asked for both the English and Maths Selective Eligibility Tests by clicking on the links below:

English SET Sample Questions

Maths SET Sample Questions


Founded in 1899.

STEM Lessons

In addition to core GCSE STEM learning, Sutton Grammar gives pupils the chance to truly meet their potential in Science, Maths and Engineering.

With specialist guidance in year 10 and more freedom to pursue their own interests in year 11, pupils can choose to focus their studies in biology, electronics or maths.


Key Stage 3: French, Spanish and German.

Students study at least two languages as this gives students a greater understanding of how languages work.

GCSE: French, Spanish and German.

All boys are required to take one of the three foreign languages at GCSE and may take two.

Language Department Foreign Trips

  • Y7 One week residential trip to Normandy and Germany
  • Y8 One week residential trip to Spain
  • Y12 Work experience in Spain
  • Y12 Work experience or residential trip to France


(have a separate site dedicated to P.E.)

Congratulations to our Senior Basketball team who won the Surrey Wider Cup.

Jack Petchey Achievement Award Scheme

Sutton Grammar School is part of the Jack Petchey Achievement Award Scheme.

Homework App For Parents

Show My Homework (Satchel:One) is online platform that Sutton Grammar School uses for the setting and monitoring of homework. All staff will use SMHW to set homework, all students will use it as a means of accessing set work and all parents will have access to see what work has been set.

GCSE Results

Wallington County Grammar School

Entrance Exam Dates:
The Selective Eligibility Test (or 'SET') will be held in September.
Second Test in October.

Ofsted Report: Outstanding

Test Type: Sutton SET Test

Familiarisation Tests (practice 11+ tests)

These are run by Wallington County Grammar School's PTFA - not directly by the School. If you have a query or wish to book a Familiarisation Test, please click on the tab entitled 'PTFA' from the home page of this website. Do not contact the Admissions Officer at the School.


Boys school.
Founded in 1927.


WCGS students have the opportunity to represent the school in 6 sports on a local, regional and national level. We provide short and long haul sports tours in Rugby on a biannual basis and occasionally Cricket tours.

Sports Facilities

The School sports hall (built in 2010) enables students to participate in a number of sports including Badminton, Basketball, Girls Netball and Table Tennis. It also provides the opportunity for cricket to be played indoors during the winter months. The school also has two rugby pitches on site and a fully operational scrum machine. The pitches are also used for core PE lessons as well as Games afternoons. The school has one cricket square and an astro turf cricket strip. It also has 3 outdoor cricket nets.

The Jamal Ottun fitness suite is a modern, fully equipped gym that can be used as a safe environment for learning. The structure and layout of the fitness suite allows pupils to focus on any aspect of fitness work and we fully encourage it to be used at any time during the day.

Careers Guidance

CEIAG is an integral part of the Co-Curricular vision and delivered to students through a broad combination of Form Time activities, the Wellbeing curriculum, SMSC Days, Clubs and Societies and other Co-curricular activities. Throughout their time at school all students have opportunities to participate in events, encounter employers and receive personal guidance from our independent Careers Adviser and Co-curricular Learning Coordinator, both of whom are qualified guidance practitioners. There is a small careers library and information about post-16 and post-18 options is on display for students.

Workshops For Parents/Carers

At Wallington County Grammar School we believe that it is important to help educate and assist our parents and carers in dealing with issues that may affect your son/daughter.

Please click on the link below for a list of the free workshops that will be taking place this academic year, many of which were requested by parents/carers in the last academic year.

Homework App For Parents

WCGS uses the online tool ‘Show My Homework’ to help keep track of your child’s homework. Show My Homework allows you to see the details of the tasks your child has been set, as well as their submission status and grades.

Show My Homework benefits include:

  • 24/7 access
  • View quality and quantity of homework
  • Translation into over 50 languages
  • Free apps for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and Android devices
  • Automated notifications before homework is due.

GCSE Results

Wallington High School for Girls

Entrance Exam Dates:
The Selective Eligibility Test (or 'SET') will be held in September.
Second Test in September.

Ofsted Report: Good

Test Type: Sutton SET Test


Founded in 1888.

Only all-girls multi academy trust in the UK.


French, German and Spanish.


Key Stage 3: alongside core subjects PSHCE, theology and philosophy is also taught.


  • Annual Ski Trip
  • Theatre Visits
  • Visits to Art Galleries
  • Curriculum Visits in History, Science, Geography, Design & Technology
  • Language Visits to France
  • World Challenge
  • Watersports Day

World Challenge

Each year students take an active role in supporting World Challenge projects which have involved teams visiting Vietnam, Morocco, Croatia, Siberia, Tanzania, Venezuela, Kyrgystan and Montenegro. The trips involve a wonderful mix of adventure, combined with community work projects to support the local initiatives. The next two trips planned involve both Year 11 and Year 12 students who will be visiting Romania and Costa Rica.

School News App

GCSE Results

Wilson’s Grammar School

Entrance Exam Dates:
The Selective Eligibility Test will take place in September.
The Second Stage Entrance Examination will take place in October.

Ofsted Report: Converted to an Academy, rated as outstanding prior.

Test Type: Sutton SET Test


Boys school.
School founded in 1615.


Music is a vitally important part of life at Wilson’s School. Every year, we host well over thirty-five concerts, recitals, productions and other musical events. Many of our students go on to study Music at the country’s leading conservatoires and universities (recent destinations include Oxford, Cambridge, and the RCM).

Eight years ago, the department began to offer free specialist tuition in voice or a musical instrument to every student in Year 7. Instruments and equipment are provided free of charge to students.

Each week, over 250 students receive specialist tuition from a dedicated team of experienced peripatetic instrumental teachers. Some of our most promising students study in the Junior Departments of London’s leading conservatoires; many more enjoy success each term in music examinations, or in the department’s annual search to find Wilson’s Young Musician of the Year.


Pupils are encouraged to achieve their full potential. For many this will mean representing the school at district, county or even national and international level. A large number of past and present pupils have represented their country in sport at their age group level and indeed a number have now done so at senior level.

The curriculum covers many diverse areas from team sports to individual activities: cricket, football, badminton, table-tennis, judo, climbing, rugby, athletics, cross-country, tennis, volleyball, basketball, fitness training, softball and golf.


Past trips have taken travellers as far afield as Turkey, Tanzania and China. The Classics department regularly organises tours to destinations such as Italy and Greece and the Modern Foreign Languages department has annual language visits (for example to France and Germany).


The PE and Sports facilities include a gym equipped with a climbing wall, multi-gym, sports hall, on-site games pitches and astros.

Further additions have also been made since the school was first built:

  • four computer rooms, fully networked
  • the Art and DT Block, comprising four Design Technology rooms, three Art rooms and an Exhibition Area
  • the Music Wing, containing two teaching rooms and a suite of individual practice rooms
  • the Sixth Form Centre, with a study area and seminar rooms
  • the Foundation Building, opened in 2005, with a suite of teaching rooms for Mathematics, Lecture Theatre and Conference Room
  • the Lower School opened in 2015 with new classrooms, dining space and a music room
  • in September 2015, as part of the School’s 400th anniversary celebrations, the assembly hall was fully refurbished and is now known as the John Jenkins Hall

Freshly Cooked Meals

The school aims to provide tasty, healthy meals to growing boys! The Catering Department operates on a not-for-profit basis and Catering Manager Melanie Johnstone has created a weekly menu of imaginative dishes based on feedback from the boys during her time at the school. All dishes are cooked on site using fresh sustainable produce, sourced locally whenever possible. Care is taken to ensure that dietary, allergen and other requirements are catered for each day.

GCSE Results
