Warwickshire East Grammar Schools

Ashlawn School

Entrance Exam Dates:

September - Main Test Session

There will be two papers, each of approximately 50 minutes. The papers will be divided into smaller, individually timed sessions, which test verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning and numeracy.

For each paper, the children will be given a question booklet which contains the test questions and a separate answer sheet to mark their answers.

Familiarisation questions will be sent upon receipt of a completed registration form. These will allow children to become familiar with the type of questions likely to be asked and the format for writing their answers.

Parents whose child is not able to sit the test on a Saturday for religious reasons must tick the appropriate box on the registration form and enclose a supporting letter from their religious leader. 

Additional Test Sessions

These will be held in late November/ early December and late January/ early February, primarily to accommodate families moving into the area


Ofsted Report: Outstanding

Test Type: CEM



  • North America Sports Tour
  • St Georges Park Tour
  • World Challenge
  • High Adventure Outward Bound European Ski Trip
  • Bushcraft Outdoor Camping Residential Duke of Edinburgh Award
  • Paris Trip
  • German Trip
  • PGL Trip
  • Draycote Sailing

Tech Savvy Remote Learning

Ashlawn School is proud to be using G-Suite for Education to create ‘world class’ learning experiences and empower all learners.

This is a suite of online applications to enable better communication and collaboration anywhere, any time and from any device where there is an internet connection.

We now have an even better opportunity to take the learning beyond the classroom. Our students can gain feedback on any work submitted or shared online. Google Classroom enables

all students to access homework, powerpoint presentations, worksheets and notifications. Students can take control of their learning and drive their learning forwards.

Every student can access a range of G-Suite applications and save their work to the Google Drive, which has unlimited storage for Ashlawn pupils. Many of our students are finding Chrome Books a superb tool for accessing G-Suite when at home as it is fast, recommended by Google and allow the students to immerse themselves fully in their learning experience.


GCSE Results


Lawrence Sheriff School

Entrance Exam Dates:
Information for parents for the 11+ exam to follow very shortly.

Ofsted Report: Converted to an Academy, rated as outstanding prior.

Test Type: CEM


Design and Technology

Design and Technology enjoys excellent facilities at Lawrence Sheriff School. At Key Stage 4 the school offers GCSE Design and Technology, covering aspects of resistant materials, electronics and textiles, this is delivered using the most up-to-date resources

available such as Computer Aided Manufacture, Computer Aided Design, simulation software, Reverse Engineering and high-level graphical communications, the department has recently purchased a 3D printer helping to ensure

innovative project work. The post-16 course in BTEC Engineering is also popular and the department has numerous outside links.


French and German are studied by
all boys in Years 7 and 8 and they are spoken to, and are encouraged to respond, in the target language at every opportunity. In Year 9 modern languages are compulsory and boys may opt to continue with just one modern language or both. Our language laboratory, with its multi-media facilities, contributes significantly towards students’ prowess in modern languages. Trips and exchanges further add to the boys’ language development. Both French and German remain popular A-Level options.


The Science Faculty enjoys excellent resources, with two general laboratories and six specialist labs. All are equipped with class sets of apparatus to enable practical work to be undertaken, mainly in pairs. Extensive use is made of ICT, with computer suites for simulations
and word processing, laptop computers for laboratory use, data logging using remote sensors and internet access in all labs.


A more recent addition to our curriculum, to further increase the breadth of opportunities on offer to our students, is Psychology. This is studied as part of our rotation in Y9 to offer students a taste of this new and exciting subject and they can then take the subject at both GCSE and A level.

Close links with Rugby School.


GCSE Results


Rugby High School

Entrance Exam Dates: September****Consortium Ashlawn Date

This school is part of a consortium of schools using a common admissions test in early September for entry to Year 7. The consortium includes this school, the five other Grammar Schools in Warwickshire (including Ashlawn)


Ofsted Report: Converted to an Academy, rated as outstanding prior.

Test Type: CEM


Alongside usual subjects offer students lessons in:

  • French/Spanish
  • Latins
  • Business Studies
  • PHSE


Students were unanimous in saying that the range of trips and extra-curricular activities, particularly sport and trips abroad, were second to none.

Trips and visits make learning come alive. In Year 7 most of our trips are local day trips e.g. to the theatre, to Warwick Castle. As your daughter moves up the school there are opportunities to learn new skills in a different setting; a week of adventure activities for Year 9 at Marle Hall, North Wales. Curriculum related trips become more ambitious too; a visit to Iceland for GCSE and A level geographers to see glaciers, volcanoes and geysers.

Page 7 - Detailed GCSE Info


GCSE Results

