Wirral Grammar Schools

Calday Grange Grammar School

Entrance Exam Dates: September 

The 11 plus in Wirral is administered by the Wirral Borough Council.

No date given on official school website but does corroborate the information above.

Ofsted Report: Good

Test Type: GL

All of the Wirral Grammar Schools have been advised that the test provider for  September  will be GL Assessment. This is a change from the previous test provider which was CEM.



Strong Focus on Drama

Drama at Calday is a vital, vibrant and energetic part of the life and ethos of the school. We are unique partners with the Everyman and Playhouse Theatres, affording us access to reduced rate tickets for all of their productions and the opportunity to be involved with a range of projects at the theatres. We also have close links with the Liverpool Empire and Off the Ground Theatre. We regularly invite artists into school offering a range of workshops, with everything from modern dance to stage combat.

Reputation in Sports

We enjoy a national reputation for producing teams and individuals who are either winners or regarded as somewhat tough to beat!

In May 2018, our under 16 football team were crowned national champions in the ESFA Premier League Under 16 Schools Cup final.

On site the school has a gymnasium, fitness suite, hard courts and grass pitches used for rugby, football and athletics. Just a mile from the main school is Glasspool Fields Sports Facility which boasts an all-weather hockey pitch, rugby fields, cricket pitch and a changing pavilion.

House Music

The House Music Festival is one of the highlights of the school year. The event is organised and led by senior music prefects. It provides an opportunity for students across all years to work as a team to produce a musical extravaganza!

Notable former students include Andy McCluskey from Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark, and more recently Jack Patterson and Luke Patterson from Clean Bandit.

Offer Duke of Edinburgh Award & Cadet training.

School has its own app for parents.

Edulink is our free self-serve parent app that brings all of the key information about your child into one place. Available for both Apple and Android devices it allows you to find everything that you need to know about your child when you need it.

Specialist teacher support

Emma Holmes is the school’s Learning Support Teacher and is a qualified Dyslexia and Irlen’s teacher. Students with dyslexia receive one to one support from her.

Spelling, comprehension and reading support groups operate for Year 7 students each year.

Learning Support Assistants

The role of the Learning Support Assistant is to adapt classwork, provide one to one sessions and ensure that each student’s Student Support Plan is followed by teaching staff.

The LRC has over 6000 non-fiction and 4000 fiction books available and if you can’t find the book you want we can order it for you.


GCSE Results

The percentage of entries achieving grade 9 was 12.4%

The percentage of entries achieving grades 7-9 was 52.2%.

99.4% of students achieving 5 or more GCSE grades at 4 or above.

St Anselm’s College

Entrance Exam Dates: September 

Ofsted Report: Good

Test Type:

Practice Papers



The college has a long tradition of excellence in sport and we are proud to have achieved the prestigious sportsmark award from sport england in recognition of our commitment to promoting the benefits of physical education. We are proud of the high standards achieved, particularly in athletics, cross country and rugby. Our teams consistently reach the finals of national competitions in both athletics and cross country, the rugby teams compete successfully against many of the best schools in the northwest and the college has even represented england in international events. Distinguished old boys include several rugby internationals – British lion and heineken cup winner,austin healey;england three- quarter, Ben Johnston; and ireland backs

simon mason and christian saverimutto.

Boys school.


Music forms an essential part of the curriculum and college life. The fully equipped music Faculty has its own ICT room and wireless network. Each boy is given the opportunity to play an instrument, with tuition from permanent and peripatetic tutors who encourage students to develop their talents beyond basic abilities into specialist skills. Our range of musical societies includes the Orchestra, Junior choir, swing Band, Wind Band, Brass ensemble, guitar group and samba Band. Our musicians often perform publicly – including in events abroad – and great excitement surrounds the annual ‘Battle of the Bands’, which culminates in a final at Liverpool’s new cavern club.

College clubs and societies allow boys to pursue a wide range of interests including art, chess, computing, drama, the Outwood heritage society, languages, roboteering, science technology and web authoring. We also encourage students to participate in the duke of edinburgh’s award scheme.

All students have the opportunity to participate in residential retreats to foster their spiritual development and enhance self-awareness.

We are proud to hold the greater merseyside connexions Quality award for careers education and guidance.


The school does not publish there GCSE results.

The Blue Coat School

Entrance Exam Dates: September

Ofsted Report: Outstanding

Test Type:


Church of England School.

Religious Studies

Religious Studies is studied by everyone throughout their time at Blue Coat. The quality of provision, learning, student enjoyment and progress has been recognised by the National Gold Quality Mark for RE. In Years 7-9 pupils learn about religious belief across all the main world faiths. At GCSE we focus on Christianity and Islam.


The Blue Coat School has an outstandingly successful music department. The Blue Coat School Brass Band and Senior Choir have won many prestigious national awards as part of the National Festival of Music for Youth, held at the Symphony Hall, Birmingham. These successes led to invitations for both ensembles to perform at the Royal Albert Hall, London, as part of the School’s Prom

in 2014 and 2016. In addition there is an excellent orchestra, a superb jazz orchestra, 2 thriving choirs and a huge range of smaller ensembles, which play and perform across the musical repertoire.

We encourage all students, be they existing musicians or novices to explore the extra- curricular music opportunities that we provide, and to use the superb facilities, with their practice rooms and a state-of-the-art recording studio to create recordings of performances and composition.


GCSE Results

Students excelled in maths, history physics, chemistry and biology with the majority of students receiving a grad 9.


Upton Hall School

Entrance Exam Dates: September


Year 6 pupils sit Upton Hall School FCJ Entrance Examination, including those with Special Educational Needs.  Examination sittings will take place throughout the day.

Year 6 pupils sit Upton Hall School FCJ Entrance Examination. This date is for those who are unable to attend on the date of the main sitting due to illness (parents may need to provide medical evidence).

Ofsted Report: Converted to an Academy, rated as outstanding prior.

Test Type:


Founded in 1849


Music has always made a significant contribution to all school events since the school was founded. A large portion of our pupils are involved in the musical life of the school. In Year 7 free instrumental music lessons take place within the curriculum for ALL pupils and in year 8 for those with a particular aptitude. Many pupils take Associate Board Examinations.


School has a full size Sports Hall, all weather tennis and netball courts, an artificial turf hockey pitch and extensive playing field.


GCSE Results

More than a quarter of all students who took a GCSE in Religious Studies, Music and Sports Studies were awarded a top grade 9. More than a third of students in the science subjects, History, Geography and English Literature attained a grade 8 or 9.


West Kirby Grammar School

Entrance Exam Dates: September
The 11 plus in Wirral is administered by the Wirral Borough Council.

Ofsted Report: Converted to an Academy, rated as outstanding prior.

Test Type:


Global Citizens

Our links around the world help students to

grasp complex global issues with a deeper level of understanding, and to build lifelong friendships through visits to different countries. Recent trips include Auschwitz, the battlefields of northern France, Paris, Hungary, Poland, Germany, Iceland and Florida, as well visits to communities in rural China.

This commitment to embedding international awareness and understanding across our curriculum has earned us the International School Award from the British Council.


Drama productions are a highlight of the school year. Our talented performers have even staged a play at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and graced the stage of local theatres.


The school also offers lessons in Latin.


…food and nutrition


… and business.


GCSE Results

66% of all students achieved grades 8 and 9 in their results.

51 students (almost a third of the year group), achieved 10 or more 9-7 (A*/A) grades.


Wirral Grammar School for Boys

Entrance Exam Dates: September
The 11 plus in Wirral is administered by the Wirral Borough Council.

Ofsted Report: Converted to an Academy, rated as outstanding prior.

Test Type: GL

All of the Wirral Grammar Schools have been advised that the test provider for  September with be GL Assessment. This is a change from the previous test provider which was CEM.




Physical Education and Games play a major role within our School and extra-curricular sport is an area in which we pride ourselves. Our ethos is not just about developing elite sportsmen but also about providing all boys with the opportunity to participate and achieve the best they can.

The School benefits from very good facilities in the form of a Sports Hall, incorporating a fitness suite and teaching room, gymnasium and extensive on site playing fields. We also utilise the nearby Bebington Oval Sports Centre, and make regular use of the astro turf hockey pitch.

Our main winter games are Rugby Union and Hockey, and in summer, the main sports are Cricket and Athletics.

The School runs an annual ski trip to Austria which is very popular and caters for all levels, from beginners to advanced skiers.

The School also boasts a proud tradition in overseas touring. In recent years pupils have travelled to Canada, USA, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and the West Indies as well as all over mainland Europe, representing Wirral Grammar School at Rugby, Hockey and Cricket. Tours regularly include over 80 boys and are frequently the culmination and reward for seven years of hard work and commitment to school sport.


Have a therapy dog.


Students have option to study business and PHSE along with other more traditional subjects.


GCSE Results

School does not publish GCSE results.

Wirral Grammar School for Girls

Entrance Exam Dates:
The 11 plus in Wirral is administered by the Wirral Borough Council.

Date published on schools official website from May

Ofsted Report: Converted to an Academy, rated as outstanding prior.

Test Type: GL

All of the Wirral Grammar Schools have been advised that the test provider for September with be GL Assessment. This is a change from the previous test provider which was CEM.



Music is a real strength in the school. Currently over 400 girls receive instrumental music tuition from visiting music tutors. Many of these girls perform in the schools ensembles, orchestras and choirs.

The school is notably strong in provisions for the arts and each year a number of high quality performances involving drama and dance take place.

Students have option to study citizenship and PHSE along with other more traditional subjects.


GCSE Results

An exceptional 33 pupils gained 10 or more 9-7 grades.

58% of all grades were awarded at the very highest grades of 9-7.

