Beating Study Fatigue & How To Stay Focused!

The journey to earning a Grammar School place can feel long and exhausting, but it doesn't have to be this way. Read on to see how you can beat study fatigue and stay focused.

If you’re like most people, studying can be a real challenge. But if you want to get good grades, it’s something that has to be done. If you find that you are getting tired and having trouble concentrating when you study, here are some tips for beating fatigue during studying.

Aim to spend an hour studying each day.

If you’re going to study for 30 minutes a day, make sure it’s quality time. You don’t want to get into the habit of just cramming for an hour before calling it quits; that can actually lead to learning less than if you’d studied for shorter periods throughout the day.

As long as you know how much studying your brain can take in one sitting, and it’s not too much (or too little), then by all means go ahead!

Study in a new location every day.

    • Study in a new location every day.

    • For example, you could go to the library one day, your friend’s house the next and a coffee shop after that. This will keep things interesting and varied for you. It’s also good to change your routine up sometimes—if you always study in the same place every day, it can get boring and make it harder for you to concentrate on what you’re doing.

Make sure you are not studying for too long at any one time.

Studies have shown that mental fatigue can be a big issue when it comes to trying to study. This means that if you’re doing something for too long, you might start losing concentration and feeling bored and frustrated.

To combat this problem, make sure that the amount of time you spend studying isn’t too long at any one time. If your attention span is finite, breaking up your study sessions with breaks will ensure that you don’t get bored or tired before finishing.

Find a study buddy and share the work with them.

Find a study buddy and share the work with them.

It’s easy to get bored when you’re working on projects on your own, but it’s a little more exciting if you have someone else to study with. When you’re both working on something together, it’s harder for one of you to slack off because the other person will see what they’ve done and keep going. This can also help motivate each other when one or both of you are having trouble getting started or finishing a task quickly enough.

If they share your interests and/or goals, then they’ll be more likely to help with any questions or ideas that come up during studying sessions. They’ll be able to give feedback about how well things are going so far so that no matter who has been doing more work than the other person over time (which usually happens), everyone is still having fun together!

Take regular breaks – go for a walk, have a drink, watch TV or listen to music – whatever helps you unwind!

Taking regular breaks is a great way to keep your concentration and motivation during studying. It also helps prevent you from getting too tired and stressed.

You should try to take a break every 20 minutes or so, even if you don’t think you need one. You’ll probably start feeling more tired after about an hour or two of studying anyway, so it’s best to take a break before that happens!

Here are some ways that you can take breaks from your study session:

    • Go for a walk around the block – it will help clear your head and refresh your body. If there’s nowhere near where you live that’s safe enough for walking alone at night, just listen to music instead (on headphones).

    • Have a drink of water (or other non-caffeinated drink) – this will hydrate both mind and body! If possible make sure that the room where everyone in the house is staying is warm enough as cold temperatures can affect concentration levels too!

Use your imagination while you’re doing your homework so that it doesn’t feel like such a chore.

If you’re tired of doing homework, try not to think about how much work there is left to do. Instead of thinking about the amount of work you have left to do, use your imagination while studying and make it more fun! You can do this by trying different ways to do the same thing or by using your mind’s eye (the part that imagines things) and imagining yourself doing something else instead. For example, if you’re reading a textbook chapter for an economics class and it feels boring because it’s too long and detailed, try getting creative! Think about how interesting it would be if this story happened in another time period or in another place on earth? Or what if this story happened in outer space?

It’s important to take regular breaks while studying and try to make it interesting

It’s important to take regular breaks while studying and try to make it interesting. Try out some fun activities before you start studying again, such as going for a walk around the neighborhood or playing with your pet.

You need to allow yourself time between each study session; otherwise, you will get exhausted quickly and end up not being able to study at all. Make sure that there is a good amount of space between each session so that you can recharge and refocus yourself before starting again.


Hopefully, these tips will give you an idea of how to beat your fatigue while studying and keep it fun. Remember, don’t forget to take breaks and have fun!

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