Essex Grammar Schools

Chelmsford County High School for Girls

Entrance Exam Dates: September

Ofsted Report: Converted to Academy, rated outstanding prior.

Test Type: CEM


Founded in 1906.


We have been awarded a substantial capital investment (£6.4 million) by the Government in order to expand by an additional form of entry. This means that during her 7 years at the school, your daughter will benefit from major improvements in the facilities: these will include 4 new Science laboratories, 4 new classrooms, a Sports Hall, a new Library with Sixth Form private study facilities and a new Art room.


The School has a remarkably successful record in competitive sports. Teams and individuals compete and are successful at district, county and national level. The P.E. Department aims to achieve the highest possible standards. The House System exists to give as many students as possible the opportunity to experience competitive sport. Whenever possible, senior students are encouraged to develop their leadership skills through coaching, managing and organising the younger age groups in school teams. The quality of P.E. and Sport both in the classroom and in competition with other schools led to the award of Sportsmark Gold.

Public Speaking

All girls are encouraged to develop their public speaking skills. Form Assemblies offer a safe and small beginning and from here girls go on to develop their ability to speak to a larger audience. Some girls have excelled at the English Speaking Union, MACE Debating and the Oxford and Cambridge Union Schools’ Debating Competition.


Music in the School is particularly strong with a wide range of school choirs, orchestras and smaller groups of musicians regularly rehearsing and practising both during the lunch-hour and after school. Many of these groups perform at a high level in school and public performances. Instrumental music teachers attend the school for individual tuition. We offer Music for GCSE and A level study and all lessons take place within our modern, well resourced Music Centre. Currently we have Symphony Orchestra; Senior Choir; Cantatrici; Concert Orchestra; Show Choir; Swing Band; String Quartet; Senior Flute Choir; Junior Flute Choir; Flute Quartet; Gospel Choir; Rock Band; symphonic wind band and Grade 5 Theory Club. It is expected that students who learn a musical instrument will join an ensemble especially those who think they may be interested in joining a senior ensemble as they progress through school. Our Symphony Orchestra and Cantatrici Choir have for the past two years reached the final of the National Festival of Music for Youth.

Student Awards

Individual students have won awards in Art and public speaking is lively with its members reaching national finals, including the prestigious Jack Petchey `Speak Out’ competition. Students have won a number of prizes in national competitions and been awarded a variety of scholarships. In the recent past, students at the school were winners of a national Magistrates’ Court competition, national science competition, national Alliance Francaise Essay Writing Competition, awarded Peter Kirk (Language) Scholarships and Ashdown Scholarships.


Our vision is “Developing the Leaders of Tomorrow”.

The CCHS Leadership Conference is an annual event for our Year 11 girls where invited keynote speakers, who have achieved prominence in their chosen profession lead a panel on the topic of `Young Women into Leadership’. Recent speakers were: Mitra Janes (Diversity and Inclusion Manager DLA Piper UK LLP), Val Ross (Eastern Regional Manager of the Anne Frank Foundation), Harry Gaskell (Leader of Diversity and Inclusion, Ernst & Young) and Heather Melville (Director for Strategic Partnerships and Head of Business Inclusion Initiatives for RBS). Year 11 were able to take part in the following workshops, How unconscious bias impacts your decision making, Be a voice for change, Creating your brand from today for tomorrow and Running a business.

We attended the International Girls’ School Conference in Washington DC in 2012 and in 2013 presented at the National Coalition of Girls’ Schools Conference in Boston, USA ‘Launching Future Leaders’. Walk the Walk: Planning and Running a Leadership Conference and the Positive Impact on Your School. (With the kind support of the Association of State Girls’ Schools).

GCSE Results

Colchester County High School for Girls

Entrance Exam Dates: September

Ofsted Report: Converted to Academy, rated outstanding prior.

Test Type: CSSE (Essex 11 Plus)

Candidates will sit two tests. one in english and one in mathematics. The english paper will last sixty minutes with ten minutes additional reading time. The mathematics paper will last sixty minutes. The final scores for the individual papers are mathematically standardised and ‘weighted’, each being worth 50% of the marks. The results of all candidates will be analysed, by date of birth, to determine if a statistical age-adjustment is required.

Suitable practice material is available commercially from major booksellers. however, please note that these are tests based at a similar level but are not of the same format as

the 11+ papers. please refer to our website for free familiarisation papers that you can download.


Lead Teaching School Status

CCHSG has been designated by the National College as Lead School in the North East Essex Teaching School Alliance (NEETSA). As part of its Lead School role CCHSG is responsible for CPD, Research and Development and the deployment of Specialist Leaders of Education and National Leaders of Education across the network and beyond.

Becoming A Thinking School

CCHSG is currently working on a three year journey to become accredited as a ‘Thinking School’- “an educational community in which all members share a common commitment to giving regular, careful thought to everything that takes place”. We are working with the organisation, Thinking Matters, in partnership with Exeter University. Our aim is to make thinking explicit in the school and for teachers and students to talk about thinking.


Our flourishing Music Department organises a range of ensembles and choirs who showcase their exceptional range of musical talent during the annual programme of concerts.

Careers Guidance

Careers education and advice on progression to Higher Education is embedded throughout the curriculum and provided as a discrete part of our pastoral programme. As well as the support of our pastoral team, students benefit from access to an independent careers advisor who visits the school on a weekly basis.

GCSE Results

Colchester Royal Grammar School

Entrance Exam Dates: September

Ofsted Report: Outstanding

Test Type: CSSE (Essex 11 Plus)
The Information Guide for 2021 Entry will be published on the website in the Summer Term.

Candidates will sit two tests. one in english and one in mathematics. The english paper will last sixty minutes with ten minutes additional reading time. The mathematics paper will last sixty minutes. The final scores for the individual papers are mathematically standardised and ‘weighted’, each being worth 50% of the marks. The results of all candidates will be analysed, by date of birth, to determine if a statistical age-adjustment is required.

Suitable practice material is available commercially from major booksellers. however, please note that these are tests based at a similar level but are not of the same format as

the 11+ papers. please refer to our website for free familiarisation papers that you can download.


Founded in 1206.

League Table

The Daily Telegraph describes CRGS as the ‘top-performing state school’ and we have been top of the DfE league tables at A level for nine out of the past ten years. We have also won no fewer than ten awards this year from the ‘Good Schools Guide’, which describes the school as ‘One of the country’s top selective state schools…it rivals many independents.’


We are able to attract varied high profile speakers, including in recent years Sir Garfield Sobers (cricketer), Dr Laurie Bristow (British Ambassador to Russia) and Prof Robert Winston (Imperial College).


The school is outstanding, in the state sector, for sporting provision and achievement.

Rugby, cricket and football are played to a high standard as extracurricular games, and in these there is a full programme of school matches with state and independent schools, throughout the 11-18 age range. Other extracurricular sports include athletics, badminton, basketball, cross-country, fencing, tennis and table tennis.

The school owns extensive, well-kept playing fields half a mile from the main site; a fine pavilion provides changing facilities. There are also an outdoor heated swimming pool, a gymnasium, a multi-gym and a hard- play area.

In addition to the three full-time members of staff, who are experienced, well-qualified, specialist PE teachers, many staff, several with coaching qualifications, help with curricular or extracurricular sport.

There are strong links with local clubs, with which many of the school’s students, past and present, have been or are associated.


The school also encourages trips and exchanges. Trip destinations have included France, Germany, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Spain, Switzerland, Iceland, Russia and China.


Development of an appreciation of the arts is encouraged as an integral part of pupils’ wider educational experience. A high proportion of pupils play a musical instrument; many take part in or attend concerts, both within the school and at external venues, including in association with other organisations


Citizenship and PSHE are taught at the school.


The school, which is half a mile from the town centre, stands amongst trees in delightful, mature gardens which are open to all students.

There is a mixture of old and new buildings: school hall with a large stage with a recently renewed sound and lighting system, AV projection system and a pipe organ; gymnasium; heated outdoor swimming pool; attractive restaurant facilities with a dedicated Sixth Form area; Music and Drama centre; state of the art science blocks comprising ten laboratories for Physics, Chemistry and Biology; computer suites; computers within subject areas which are linked by a LAN which covers all offices and classrooms; a careers library with excellent computer provision for independent study time; a fine, well-stocked library and resources area; and other specialist rooms including a block for Classics and History.

An on-going programme of remodelling and redecoration ensures an attractive and welcoming working environment. A new block for art was opened in 2003, which provides a light and airy space. The technology block was also upgraded at the same time, and then further extended and upgraded in 2010 to provide modern spacious food technology facilities. In 2006 a new extension to the science block was completed and then in 2016 a large new building opened that further extended the range of science laboratories, as well as providing new air-conditioned computer laboratories. A multipurpose performance studio opened in September 2013, which is used for activities as varied as school productions, visiting lectures, political debates and Young Enterprise competitions. Leisure facilities have also been improved, with the Sixth Form common room recently undergoing extension and refurbishment and outdoor picnic areas added. The school gym has been extended in 2016, and new gym equipment has been funded with considerable support from the Parents’ Association.

The playing fields, which are about half a mile away, are attractive and extensive, and include pitches for all the major sports – rugby, football and cricket – as well as hard and grass tennis courts, a netball court and a pavilion with changing facilities.

GCSE Results

King Edward VI Grammar School

Entrance Exam Dates: September

Ofsted Report: Converted to Academy, rated outstanding prior.

Test Type: CSSE (Essex 11 Plus)

Candidates will sit two tests. one in english and one in mathematics. The english paper will last sixty minutes with ten minutes additional reading time. The mathematics paper will last sixty minutes. The final scores for the individual papers are mathematically standardised and ‘weighted’, each being worth 50% of the marks. The results of all candidates will be analysed, by date of birth, to determine if a statistical age-adjustment is required.

Suitable practice material is available commercially from major booksellers. however, please note that these are tests based at a similar level but are not of the same format as

the 11+ papers. please refer to our website for free familiarisation papers that you can download.


Founded in 1551.

Boys school. Co-ed Sixth Form.

Excerpt From Ofsted Report

Students achieve very highly. Results are outstandingly high at the end of Year 9, GCSE and the sixth form. High proportions of students reach the highest possible grades across a wide range of subjects. Virtually all take at least 10 subjects at GCSE and stay on to take four (sometimes five) subjects at A2 Level, in addition to general studies. Results are especially good in science and mathematics, and students distinguish themselves in many areas including, for example, music.


23 students who left us in Summer 2019 went on to study at Oxford or Cambridge, and a further 23 students in Summer 2019 gained places to study Medicine at University.

Leading Edge

As a Leading Edge school KEGS is a partner in a national network of high performing schools dedicated to improving understanding and implementation of outstanding learning and progress in schools through the concept of “teacher-learner”.

Ten years ago KEGS was one of only 104 schools nationally to be awarded this accolade from the SSAT and in 2013 works as a collaborative partner sharing expertise with a national group exceeding 1600 schools. At the heart of a Leading Edge school are teachers who are passionate about teaching, and leadership committed to research evidenced innovation to raise achievement and improve learning outcomes.


KEGS offers a very wide range of educational trips and visits for all year groups. These range from local visits and county-wide day trips - to visits to China, New York and Kenya and participation in worldwide expeditions, and everything in between.

Our exchange partnership with Wirtemberg Gymnasium in Stuttgart dates back more than 60 years. We also have active partnerships with Lycee Notre Dame de Bellegarde in Neuville-sur-Saône near Lyon, and Mogonjet School in Kenya as well as being visitors to No. 26 High School in Xi’an and Jian Ping South Middle School in Shanghai.

KEGS students can participate in an array of internationally oriented extra-curricular activities during their school career. These range from KS3 students on our exchange programmes along with residential trips to the Black Forest and battlefield sites in Northern Europe, sport and music tours abroad to senior students participating on World Challenge.

Career Guidance

Here at KEGS we strive to provide our pupils with the best possible advice and resources possible in order to put them in a strong position from which to work towards their future. We recognise both the importance of young people having goals towards which to work, as well as the need of some for advice about where to go. We are working towards compliance with the Statutory Guidance from the DfE on Careers Guidance and Access for Education and Training Providers (2018) and full implementation of the Gatsby Benchmarks by September 2020.

GCSE Results

Southend High School for Boys

Entrance Exam Dates: September

Ofsted Report: Outstanding

Test Type: CSSE (Essex 11 Plus)
The Information Guide for 2021 Entry will be published on the website in the Summer Term.

Candidates will sit two tests. one in english and one in mathematics. The english paper will last sixty minutes with ten minutes additional reading time. The mathematics paper will last sixty minutes. The final scores for the individual papers are mathematically standardised and ‘weighted’, each being worth 50% of the marks. The results of all candidates will be analysed, by date of birth, to determine if a statistical age-adjustment is required.

Suitable practice material is available commercially from major booksellers. however, please note that these are tests based at a similar level but are not of the same format as

the 11+ papers. please refer to our website for free familiarisation papers that you can download.



Since September 2010, a revised curriculum has been offered for Year 9, allowing pupils to commence GCSE study a year early.

Career Guidance

In order to ensure our students enjoy high quality careers guidance and experiences, we are embedding the eight Gatsby Benchmarks throughout our careers and employability programme. The Gatsby Benchmark is a report regarding career guidance in English secondary schools and how it could be improved. These benchmarks identify different aspects of good career guidance.

RE & Collective Worship

There is provision for religious education for all pupils; it is non-denominational and in accordance with the Essex Agreed Syllabus. There is a regular act of collective worship for all pupils, with a mixture of whole school, year, form and House assemblies. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from RE and collective worship if they wish.


There is a programme of PSHE throughout the main school, whilst in the Sixth Form, the enrichment programme tackles similar issues in a more formal manner.

GCSE Results

Southend High School for Girls

Entrance Exam Dates: September

Ofsted Report: Outstanding

Test Type: CSSE (Essex 11 Plus)
The Information Guide for 2021 Entry will be published on the website in the Summer Term.

Candidates will sit two tests. one in english and one in mathematics. The english paper will last sixty minutes with ten minutes additional reading time. The mathematics paper will last sixty minutes. The final scores for the individual papers are mathematically standardised and ‘weighted’, each being worth 50% of the marks. The results of all candidates will be analysed, by date of birth, to determine if a statistical age-adjustment is required.

Suitable practice material is available commercially from major booksellers. however, please note that these are tests based at a similar level but are not of the same format as

the 11+ papers. please refer to our website for free familiarisation papers that you can download.



SHSG is a national leader in students’ sport. There are clubs for all abilities and our teams enjoy an outstanding record of success at local, county and national level. Students can enjoy athletics, tennis, netball, football, cross- country, badminton, table- tennis, dance, gymnastics and hockey.


The music department is a hub of interest for many. A large number of students take instrumental lessons at school and some reach grade 8 and Diploma level. Students have many chances to perform and there are several concerts each year


Students have unparalleled opportunities to experience life abroad and we want every student to have at least one overseas experience. The school has well established links with schools in France, Germany and Spain and there are annual exchanges and trips to reinforce language learning and to catch up with friends. In recent years the physics department has been to CERN, the musicians to the Black Forest, geographers to Glasgow/Edinburgh and Iceland, skiers to Italy and the United States, the politics department to Brussels and Berlin and artists to Paris and Edinburgh.

The school has three times been awarded the coveted International Award in recognition of its work to promote global understanding and tolerance.


We have Arts Mark Award at Gold level and are a hub school for Arts Mark for the East of England.

Gifted & Talented/Student Support

The gifted and talented co-ordinator ensures our students have opportunities to realise their potential. Some students, at times, encounter difficulties with their learning and we work hard to support them.


There are over four hundred computers, most based in six computer suites. Eight laboratories are dedicated to the three sciences. In the recently built Art and Technology Block are two light and spacious art studios, a studio for sixth formers and specialist rooms for food technology, textiles

and design technology. The workshop is exceptionally well equipped. There are specialist rooms for music and media plus a newly built double spaced drama studio. The facilities for sport, both inside and out, are outstanding: a fitness suite, multi-use sports hall, tennis/netball courts, hockey and football pitches, running track, throwing arc and long jump pit.

GCSE Results

Westcliff High School for Boys

Entrance Exam Dates: September

Ofsted Report: Outstanding

Test Type: CSSE (Essex 11 Plus)

Candidates will sit two tests. one in english and one in mathematics. The english paper will last sixty minutes with ten minutes additional reading time. The mathematics paper will last sixty minutes. The final scores for the individual papers are mathematically standardised and ‘weighted’, each being worth 50% of the marks. The results of all candidates will be analysed, by date of birth, to determine if a statistical age-adjustment is required.

Suitable practice material is available commercially from major booksellers. however, please note that these are tests based at a similar level but are not of the same format as

the 11+ papers. please refer to our website for free familiarisation papers that you can download.


Founded in 1920.


Sport is an important part of life at WHSB. We are committed to competing at the very highest levels and have achieved notable successes in local, regional and national competitions across a range of sports.

Our sporting facilities are first-class, including a four-court multi- purpose Sports Hall, a modern Fitness Suite, an all-weather athletics area, several rugby and football pitches, two cricket squares and much more besides.

Sporting opportunities include: Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Cricket, Cross-Country, Football, Golf, Gymnastics, Hockey, Rugby, Skiing, Squash, Swimming, Table Tennis and Tennis.


Teachers lead regular day and residential trips, including theatre and musical visits, trips to Iceland, Barcelona, and Russia, tours of the battlefields in Belgium and France, annual ski trips, and foreign exchanges.

11+ Familiarisation Programme

Westcliff High School for Boys’ 11 Plus Familiarisation Programme entitled “Go for Grammar!” run through its Westcliff Centre for Gifted Children (WCGC) was established in 2010. Since its inception nine years ago, over 4,500 local children have participated. Working closely with local primary schools to offer opportunities for bright children, primarily from disadvantaged backgrounds.

GCSE Results

Westcliff High School for Girls

Entrance Exam Dates: September

Ofsted Report: Outstanding

Test Type: CSSE (Essex 11 Plus)

Candidates will sit two tests. one in english and one in mathematics. The english paper will last sixty minutes with ten minutes additional reading time. The mathematics paper will last sixty minutes. The final scores for the individual papers are mathematically standardised and ‘weighted’, each being worth 50% of the marks. The results of all candidates will be analysed, by date of birth, to determine if a statistical age-adjustment is required.

Suitable practice material is available commercially from major booksellers. however, please note that these are tests based at a similar level but are not of the same format as the 11+ papers. please refer to our website for free familiarisation papers that you can download.


Teaching School

We are a National Teaching School and the sponsoring school in a multi-academy trust.


We consider it an essential element of education that every pupil participates fully in sporting activities to help nurture their personal health and well-being. The school has playing fields, floodlit netball and tennis courts, a Sports Hall as well as a Dance Studio and air-conditioned Fitness Gym. Sport is thriving. Sports teams successfully participate in borough sports and local and national leagues.


We have a strong musical tradition with many opportunities for pupils to sing

and play in small groups, large choirs and orchestras, with a regular series of concerts. Individual tuition is given by visiting music staff and pupils are encouraged to enter for music festivals and Associated Board Examinations. The school has a strong history of producing superbly professional musicals. School productions give pupils the opportunity to help backstage and in technical production areas as well as performing.


There are regular trips to Italy (Art), Foreign Exchanges, Music Tours and an annual skiing trip. Since 1995 the school has invited World Challenge Expeditions to organise expeditions to short haul and long haul destinations. These offer students the opportunity to undertake exciting personal challenges, to support local projects and to experience cultures very different from our own.

Our regular Activity Days take pupils out of school into the local and wider community, as well as overseas.

GCSE Results
