Making 11+ Revision Fun! Stimulating Games to Enhance Learning

Barnet & Bromley Grammar Schools Research

Day to day games and activities keep the brain engaged and often your child will not even realize these small puzzles are helping build up their logical brain. Although standard revision methods such as practice papers and online lessons are as important as ever, adding in a 30-minute fun activity here and there will break … Read more

Using Gamification to Enhance Learning

gamification in education

Gamification has been identified to have huge benefits in many industries. It can be an innovative way to enhance products and processes and make them appeal to a certain market. Education is one area where gamification can be most beneficial – and 11 Plus Success has been exploring the possibilities of gamification to increase learning … Read more

Using Interactive Software to Learn: 10 benefits to kinaesthetic and visual learners

Using Interactive Software to Learn: 10 benefits to kinaesthetic and visual learners

The online EdTech space has surged in popularity use over the last years. Hundreds if not thousands of useful apps and online resources have been created to match the learning needs of all ages. From primary school kids to postdocs, the internet and technology are helping students make progress. Two cool examples are iPrompt and … Read more

The Benefits of an Online 11 Plus Course for Remote Working Parents

The Benefits of an Online 11 Plus Course for Remote Working Parents

During the coronavirus crisis, an online 11 plus course can help parents by helping their children learn independently.  When preparing for the 11 plus test, parent and child teams usually have three main revision options. They can employ a private tutor, work together to understand the exam’s demands and what needs to be learned, or they … Read more

Is My Child Controlled by Technology?

11 plus preparation Is My Child Controlled by Technology?

From a systematic analysis of all studies completed to date on children’s usage of technology, 23% of children are reported to have a dysfunctional relationship with their smartphone. However, the jury is still out on whether using devices too much actually causes any harm. There are many suggestions that an overuse of technology can cause a … Read more

How Much Screen Time Is Too Much?

11 plus revision How Much Screen Time Is Too Much?

Some parental battles have changed over the years. Fewer of us have to entice children down a tree or in from the park for dinner. And more have to wage a digital war over time spent on devices. If you’ve noticed your child spending more time gaming or browsing YouTube videos after school, you may want … Read more
