Technology, Education and Our Children
Our technology and education posts are packed with information from leading scientists and researchers.
Read about the effects of technology on education and our children, and how we can utilise technology as parents rather than fear it!

Making 11+ Revision Fun! Stimulating Games to Enhance Learning
Day to day games and activities keep the brain engaged and often

Study Centres Vs Learning Online: What to Choose for 11+?
Study centres are not just for university students to go to and

Using Gamification to Enhance Learning
Gamification has been identified to have huge benefits in many industries. It
Using Interactive Software to Learn: 10 benefits to kinaesthetic and visual learners
The online EdTech space has surged in popularity use over the last
How to Read More Books Faster
After checking out this article, the intention is not for you or
The Benefits of an Online 11 Plus Course for Remote Working Parents
During the coronavirus crisis, an online 11 plus course can help parents
11 Plus Preparation Course
Technology does have a role to play in exam revision and specifically 11 plus preparations. You can get the balance right by choosing a convenient online 11 plus course for your child.
Using Technology Correctly Makes It a Turnkey Solution for Our Children’s Education
Hi parents, I’m Anu, a mother just like you trying to wrestle the tablet out of my child’s hand and constantly jostling for attention with their smartphone. The truth is, technology has staked a huge claim to aspects of all of our lives, including our children’s. Sometimes technology can be brilliant, convenient and make life easier each day; but unfortunately, it also has the power to be a distraction and cause physical and mental health problems.
This section of our blog is devoted to discussing the role of technology and education in our children’s experiences. The information provided comes straight from recently published studies in peer-reviewed journals and from reliable online sources. The content has the overarching aim of giving parents the information they need to help their children utilise technology within their schooling experiences, including when preparing for the 11 plus exam.
If you are a worried or curious parent, the content uploaded here will be useful for you to make decisions and protect your children. Some posts will look into the darker side of technology, while others will give us reason to celebrate and cherish latest developments and resources. All of it is provided with an open mind that considers all arguments and research results.
The use of technology is not slowing down and we will attempt to keep up by uploading new content as interesting topics and findings arise. All of our content is free for you to use as you wish and apply to your own exam preparations together. You don’t need to be one of our 11 plus course users to access it, but we hope that the attention to detail in our content also shows you the high standards we have for our learning materials.
Take a peek now and see how technology is reshaping education for children and their wider life!