Top Tips for Homeschooling

With schools across the UK now shut due to the Covid-19 outbreak, if you’re a parent or carer, you may have found yourself thrown in at the deep end as you take on the new role of teacher.  When it comes to home schooling, you may be wondering where to start. In this post, I provide my top tips for Homeschooling.

Routine is key

It’s likely your weekday morning routine is set in stone, and just because you’re family may now be spending significantly more time at home doesn’t mean that you should let this routine slip.  Try sticking to getting up,taking breaks, eating meals and snacks and going to bed at the same time. This will give your children a sense of stability.

Don’t over complicate things

Try and keep things simple.  The likelihood is you aren’t a teacher by trade, so don’t put pressure on yourself to become one.  Your job is to try and keep your child’s learning ticking over, rather than teach them new things.  

Make use of the resources available

The internet is full of resources for you to use – so make use of them! Your school should have provided some guidelines as to what your child needs to be focusing on.  Make the most of these resources – it will make life easier for you and more enjoyable for your child.

Teach your child life skills

Use this time as an opportunity to teach your children life skills.  Get them to help you with the washing up and other jobs around the house.  Enjoy being with your children and make the most of the extra time you’re getting with them.

Try and not to stress

Finally, and arguably most importantly, try and not to stress too much. Your main job is to keep your child healthy and happy – the rest will fall into place.

I hope that you have found this post on top tips for homeschooling useful!

How can 11 Plus Success help you with homeschooling?

The accessibility of education is important to 11 Plus Success. We understand that having a tutor can be beneficial, but some families do not have the money nor the time to use a tutor. These tutors can really help students to get into grammar schools. Yet, some families would be better off with something cheaper, something more convenient, something like an online learning tool.

Our goal is to make 11 plus tutoring more accessible. That is how our 11 plus course was born.

Our overarching aim was to offer a platform that simplified 11 plus exam preparation. It has to be simpler, affordable, flexible and easy for the whole family. Contact us today to find out how we can help you and your child.  

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