What Are the Differences Between the CEM and GL Assessment 11 Plus Exam?

What Are the Differences Between the CEM and GL Assessment 11 Plus Exam?

If you have just started researching the 11 plus exam, you may have come across two confusing terms. These terms are CEM and GL Assessment. They can be a head-scratcher, but don’t worry – we will clear them up and bust the myths on them right now. What Is CEM and GL Assessment? CEM and … Read more

Grammar Schools Improve Oxbridge Chances!

Grammar Schools Improve Oxbridge Chances! 11 plus maths practice papers

Opportunity is a topic of conversation that interests everyone from politicians to parents. Without opportunities to grasp, life experiences can be limited and quality of life can be reduced. Different types of opportunities can present themselves. Children may be born into a family running a specific type of business, we may even get a little bit … Read more

11 Plus Exams: A Controversial Conversation

11 plus redbridge 11 Plus Exams: A Controversial Conversation

Education is a hot topic among policymakers, media outlets and parents gathering at school gates. Not everyone can agree on everything, but everyone is trying to provide solutions to make schooling systems and children’s learning experiences better. One topic that has divided opinion for years is the 11 plus exam and grammar schools. Not everyone agrees … Read more

Why Are Parents Choosing Grammar Schools?

bonds 11 plus Why Are Parents Choosing Grammar Schools?

Every parent wants their child to experience first-class education. The best teachers, safe learning environments and classes which will ignite their thirst for knowledge are a must. One way of ensuring your child receives all of these things – and much more – is at an excellent grammar school.  Parents in England and Northern Ireland are … Read more

Are All 11 Plus Exams the Same?

ksol 11 plus Are All 11 Plus Exams the Same?

Lots of parents each year sit with crossed fingers, legs and toes hoping their child will be accepted into an excellent grammar school. By all means, a grammar school is not a make-or-break moment for any child, but these schools have been known to nurture talented students and help them excel. Students who want to get … Read more
